School sports and training facility Lichtenbergschule Ober-Ramstadt

Gesamtanlage © 2011  L.A.U.B. GmbH

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Lageplan © 2009  L.A.U.B. GmbH

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Kunststoffbahn + Kugelstoßanlage © 2011  L.A.U.B. GmbH

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Einweihung © 2011  L.A.U.B. GmbH

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Gesamtanlage © 2011  L.A.U.B. GmbH

Lageplan © 2009  L.A.U.B. GmbH

Kunststoffbahn + Kugelstoßanlage © 2011  L.A.U.B. GmbH

Einweihung © 2011  L.A.U.B. GmbH

On behalf of the city of Ober-Ramstadt, L.A.U.B. GmbH planned a school sports and training facility as a type C fighting track for the Georg-von-Lichtenberg School.
In addition, the legal planning bases in the form of land use plan, development plan and an intervention compensation planning were developed in advance.

At the beginning, it was necessary to develop the site, which had previously been used as farmland, infrastructurally.
The L.A.U.B. GmbH planned the complete drainage and power lines, including an underground water reservoir as a retention area, as well as the supply of a future club building.
The original sloping site was terraced, with approximately 40,000 m³ of soil moved and hydraulically consolidated.
The proposed Type C fighting track consists of a 4 x 400 m circular running track with a 6 x 100/110 m short track made of water-permeable plastic.
The large playing field consists of artificial turf with a quartz sand/TPE infill.
In addition to two long jump pits, a shot put training facility, a high jump facility and a separate javelin throwing facility, a volleyball court and a basketball court were also provided.
The sports facility was fenced on all sides with steel mesh fencing and is accessible via three large gates.
The entire site was landscaped with trees and shrubs and thus blends seamlessly into the landscape.

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Planning offices

L.A.U.B. GmbH

Project period
2010 - 2011

3,8 ha

Construction amount
2.007.000 €

Stadt Ober-Ramstadt

An der Sporthalle
64372 Ober-Ramstadt

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Project type
Sports facilities
Impact regulation and compensation
Land use and development planning