Lehnhof Park Friedehorst Monument conservation and green planning inventory and evaluation

Bestandserfassung, Geschichtsrecherche und Bewertung © 2013 Villena-Kirschner

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Lehnhof von 1857 des Generalkonsuls und Bankiers Johannes Theodor Lürmann © Luis Koch v. Barsewisch

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Der erhaltene Kernbereich des Lehnhof Parks mit heutigem Baumbestand sowie Wegen, Sichten und Gebäudebestand von 1898 (Luftbild 1991) © Villena-Kirschner

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Neues Wohnhaus des Tabakkaufmanns Oscar Rohte (errichtet 1904, abgebrochen 1933) © unbekannt Andres

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Parkbereich um die Teiche nach Bestandvermessung von 1963 (über Luftbild von 1968) © 1963 Villena-Kirschner

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Parkteiche um 1960 © Heinz-Herrmann Bothe

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Bestandserfassung, Geschichtsrecherche und Bewertung © 2013 Villena-Kirschner

Lehnhof von 1857 des Generalkonsuls und Bankiers Johannes Theodor Lürmann © Luis Koch v. Barsewisch

Der erhaltene Kernbereich des Lehnhof Parks mit heutigem Baumbestand sowie Wegen, Sichten und Gebäudebestand von 1898 (Luftbild 1991) © Villena-Kirschner

Neues Wohnhaus des Tabakkaufmanns Oscar Rohte (errichtet 1904, abgebrochen 1933) © unbekannt Andres

Parkbereich um die Teiche nach Bestandvermessung von 1963 (über Luftbild von 1968) © 1963 Villena-Kirschner

Parkteiche um 1960 © Heinz-Herrmann Bothe

As a testimony to the upper middle-class country estate culture of the 19th century in Bremen's Switzerland, the central area of the Lehnhof Park in Bremen St. Magnus has been preserved largely unaltered, in accordance with the wishes of its founder. The park was laid out in a landscape style around 1875 and is considered to be the possible creation of Wilhelm Benque and thus probably the most important garden designer of his time in Bremen. A design plan found in the Bremen State Archives for an area at the residence (circa 1915) of the Bremen garden architect Christian Roselius (1871-1945), an equally renowned and productive representative of modernist landscape architecture, documents the contemporary shift towards the architectural-geometric style and the reform movement also in the case of the Lehnhof.

For more than 60 years, the Lehnhof Park has been an important green space addition to the Friedehorst Foundation rehabilitation, residential and care facility and is now open to the public.

A private earmarked donation initially made it possible to carry out an investigation into the history of the park's origins and development as well as an inventory of the park's substance, which is significant in terms of garden culture.

The study provides the technical basis for further planning steps and measures for the preservation and development of the park. This includes historical research and a description of the historic park elements. These are recorded in their current inventory and state of preservation, described, mapped if necessary and evaluated under criteria of garden monument preservation, landscape design, ecology and urban development. In addition to the current uses and potentials, existing deficits and problem areas are described. In an outlook, possible measures for the reconstruction, further development and redesign of the park as well as special offers for use are described and possible further steps are suggested.

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Planning offices

V i l l e n a Landschaftsarchitektur + Umweltplanung

Project period

ca. 9,4 ha

Stiftung Friedehorst


28717 Bremen

Show project location on map

Project type
Planning of garden memorial care, park maintenance works