New building of the university of applied sciences in Deggendorf Outdoor facilities of the University of Applied Sciences for Economics and Technology

Blick auf den Campus © 2000 Rolf Sturm Hille und Müller Landschaftsarchitekten

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Lageplan FH Deggendorf © 2000 Hille und Müller Hille und Müller Landschaftsarchitekten

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Holzdeck und Wasserbecken © 2000 Hille und Müller Hille und Müller Landschaftsarchitekten

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Wasserbecken am Abend © 2000 Hille und Müller Hille und Müller Landschaftsarchitekten

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Blick auf den Campus © 2000 Rolf Sturm Hille und Müller Landschaftsarchitekten

Lageplan FH Deggendorf © 2000 Hille und Müller Hille und Müller Landschaftsarchitekten

Holzdeck und Wasserbecken © 2000 Hille und Müller Hille und Müller Landschaftsarchitekten

Wasserbecken am Abend © 2000 Hille und Müller Hille und Müller Landschaftsarchitekten

The central area of the university grounds is the campus enclosed by the buildings. Here, the paved surfaces are made of granite, predominantly in the form of large-format slabs.
Three water gutters, which carry water all around the campus in the summer months and at the same time serve as surface drainage, structure the campus. In addition, the shady 'green roof' provides a retreat on the lively campus.

The concept of the Deggendorf University of Applied Sciences was developed on the occasion of a realization competition, which was carried out in 1995 in the context of an urban redevelopment between the old town and the Danube floodplain. Architects and landscape architects were invited to participate in the competition as working groups.
The design of the building shows two elongated institute buildings standing parallel to each other, between which the solitary structures of library and refectory are placed. This building arrangement creates different open spaces with a forum, campus and green space on the Bogenbach.
With the forum, the university opens up generously and invitingly to Edlmairstraße, the direct connection to the city center. The parking lot, which lies on the other side of the Bogenbach, is directly connected to the university grounds via a bridge.
Lighting design is also part of the landscape architects' field of work. Here, an atmosphere was created that invites you to linger even in the evening - because in addition to learning, the university of applied sciences is also a place of life.

AppreciationGerman Landscape Architecture Award 2001

Jury verdict: The work chooses a new approach to the campus open space type and thus stands out commendably. It is characterized by the harmonious harmony of buildings and open space. With a minimalist approach in the design language, clarity and openness were created. Despite the superficial bareness, the sensual quality of the precisely placed elements such as the tree grove, the terrace and the water channels creates a pleasant quality of stay.

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Planning offices

Hille und Müller Landschaftsarchitekten

Lynen, Dipl.-Ing.(FH), Rolf

Thomas Hehne, Silvia Schnetzer, Ulrike Heinze

Further planners involved
Beteiligte Architekten/Fachplaner/Firmen
Architekten Schneider + Sendelbach, Braunschweig (Hochbau), Majuntke GmbH, Deggendorf-Natternberg (befestigte Außenanlagen), Willi Bittner, Wernberg-Köblitz (Begrünungsmaßnahmen)

Project period
1998 - 2000

2,4 ha Gelände Fachhochschule, 1,5 ha Parkplatz

Construction amount
ca. 3.1 Mio €

Freistaat Bayern
vertreten durch Staatliches Hochbauamt Passau

Edlmairstraße 6
94469 Deggendorf

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Prices & Awards
German Landscape Architecture Award 2001

Project type
Parks and green spaces
Open spaces for business and public facilities
Squares, promenades, pedestrian areas