Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences - Bottrop site Open spaces of the new university building

Ansicht von der Kreuzung Hans-Sachs-Straße/ Lützowstraße © 2015 Claudia Dreyße

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Lageplan © 2013 Planergruppe

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Stellplätze entlang der Straße An der Berufsschule © 2015 Claudia Dreyße

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Außenbereich der Mensa © 2015 Claudia Dreyße

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Oberflächenstruktur, Stellplätze und Trittsteine © 2015 Claudia Dreyße

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Detail Oberflächenstruktur © 2015 Claudia Dreyße

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Ansicht von der Kreuzung Hans-Sachs-Straße/ Lützowstraße © 2015 Claudia Dreyße

Lageplan © 2013 Planergruppe

Stellplätze entlang der Straße An der Berufsschule © 2015 Claudia Dreyße

Außenbereich der Mensa © 2015 Claudia Dreyße

Oberflächenstruktur, Stellplätze und Trittsteine © 2015 Claudia Dreyße

Detail Oberflächenstruktur © 2015 Claudia Dreyße

The open space design of the Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences at the Bottrop site follows the basic concept of a uniform surface structure for the entire site. All uses in the open space are formally combined on one surface, the degree of which varies.

The basic structure is based on a square lawn joint slab, which allows a large part of the technically necessary uses such as access roads, parking spaces, plaza areas, facade cleaning, etc. and has the effect of reducing the sealing by up to 40 e. Where closed surfaces are necessary, a format-matched paving is used instead of this slab. This compaction takes place in the area of the parking lots as a step plate strip and in the area of the entrances, the barrier-free paths and at the refectory as a closed surface.

The joints between the building blocks are punched out of the described basic structure. In part, differences in height must be overcome here with walls and staircases. The workshop courtyard is lower than the adjacent parking area. It is aligned to the inner effect between the building blocks and can be reached barrier-free from there. The building joints facing Hans-Sachs-Strasse are elevated towards the public footpath at ground floor level.

The main existing trees on the site have been incorporated into the new green concept and supplemented by new plantings. The building joints are accentuated by intensive green plantings on your inside view and closed spatially in each case by a multi-stemmed solitary woody plant. The square at the entrance from the street at the vocational school is furnished with simple concrete benches with wooden supports. The bicycle parking spaces are distributed decentrally on the site at all arrival points.

The rainwater, already reduced by the partial sealing of the surfaces, is collected with drainage elements and fed to the canal via retention systems for throttled drainage. All roofs are extensively greened.

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Planning offices

The planner group

h4a Gessert + Randecker + Legner Architekten mit Vögele Architekten BDA
Martin Gessert, Albrecht Randecker, Klaus Legner, Wolfgang Vögele

Ulrike Beuter, Thomas Dietrich, Ute Aufmkolk

Project period
2011 - 2015


Bau- und Liegenschaftsbetriebe NRW
Niederlassung Münster

Lützowstraße 5
46236 Bottrop

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