Northern harbour island Stralsund

Nördliche Hafeninsel Stralsund © 2005 Ulrich Franke BHF Landschaftsarchitekten

Nördliche Hafeninsel Stralsund © 2005 Ulrich Franke BHF Landschaftsarchitekten

Concept - study without realisation: A utilisation and design concept was developed for the open spaces of the northern harbour island (Ballastkai, Hansekai, Steinernde Fischbrücke).

A utilisation and design concept was developed for the open spaces on the northern harbour island (Ballastkai, Hansekai, Steinernde Fischbrücke). This does not involve a fundamental reorganisation, but rather a corrective intervention in the evolved structure, which has developed in the course of the many different uses of the harbour (marina on the northern pier, charter boats, mooring for the first Gorch Fock, summer stage for the Vorpommern Theatre, base harbour for official ships, harbour master's office, moorings for river cruises, discotheque, exhibition space for the Oceanographic Museum, gastronomy, etc.). The Ozeaneum is currently being built at a central location on the northern harbour island (design: Architekten Behnisch Partner).

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Planning offices

BHF Bendfeldt Herrmann Franke Landschaftsarchitekten GmbH

Project period

Stadterneuerungsgesellschaft Stralsund GmbH

Hafenstraße 11
18439 Stralsund

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