Three new parks for Nagold

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© Stefan Fromm

© Stefan Fromm

AppreciationGerman Landscape Architecture Award 2013

Jury verdict: For the large district town of Nagold in Baden-Württemberg with a population of approx. 22,000, three completely redesigned parks were created by the plan authors for the State Garden Show 2012. The basis for the parks was a coherent concept of "green urbanity" by Professor Stötzer. The three parks, designed as permanent facilities, encompass the entire urban area of Nagold as a special feature in the sense of an integrating and coherent green band.

With the newly designed Kleb City Park and the new Krautbühl Park and the new Riedbrunnen Park, a different sequence of green and open spaces was thus created in Nagold. In addition, the facilities have created a clear relationship to the adjacent residential and housing areas in the city. The 18-hectare inner-city parks also integrate extremely well into the existing urban area with their new accesses and stairways on the banks of the Nagold and Waldach rivers.

With a new bridge facility at the confluence of the Nagold and Waldach rivers and with new cross connections and visual axes into the city, the parks and green spaces also cleverly bring together the element of water. The three parks, with their character as neighbourhood parks in a smaller town such as Nagold, thus create completely new qualities of stay. This applies both to the residential area assigned to the parks and to its citizens as well as to visitors to the city. In addition, the design of the parks is characterised by a very successful landscape architecture as well as a high material quality. Overall, the three parks have considerably enhanced the city in terms of both design and structure.

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Information on external websites

Stadt Nagold

Planning offices

Stefan Fromm Landschaftsarchitekten

Lucie Junge (Projektleitung bis 08/2011), Nicole Weiß (Projektleitung ab 09/2011), Christina Eitner, Jörg Kappler, Meike Rappmann, Krasimira Stoilkova, Elke Strauß, Ulrike Wahl, Nadine Waldmann, Julia Zimmermann

Further planners involved
Lehen drei Architektur Stadtplanung, Stuttgart (Pavillons Longwyplatz und Stadtpark Kleb, Kinderhaus Riedbrunnen)

Fachplanungen: Orel+Heidrich Landschaftsarchitekten, Herzogenaurach (Pflanzplanung Gartenband und Schlossbergterrasse); Ingenieurbüro für Wasserwirtschaft und Siedlungsentwässerung, Dipl.-Ing. Markus Heberle, Rottenburg am Neckar (Renaturierung Waldach);

Fachplanungen: Lagger-Renz GmbH Ingenieurgesellschaft – Tragwerksplanungen, Nagold (Tragwerksplanung Steg Waldachkopf, Mauern u.a.); Schneck Schaal Braun Ingenieurgesellschaft Bauen mbH, Tübingen (Tragwerksplanung Schlossbergmauer)

Fachplanungen: Richter + Borcherdt Wassertechnik GmbH, Neu-Isenburg (Wassertechnik Senkgarten und Wassergarten im Gartenband)

Bauleitung: Guido Lerch, Frank Hornickel

Weitere am Bau Beteiligte: Holzbau Bachmann, Nagold; Bietigheimer Gartengestaltung GmbH, Tamm; FHS Holztechnik GmbH, Arnsberg-Niedereimer; R+E Hiller Garten- und Landschaftsbau GmbH, Mötzingen; Tiefbau Horst Jäkle, Loßburg; u.a.

Project period
August 2007 - April 2012

Landesgartenschau Nagold 2012 GmbH


72202 Nagold

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Prices & Awards
German Landscape Architecture Award 2013