CFEL, Hamburg Center for Free-Electron Laser Science

Monolith © 2012 H. Paschburg Dittloff+Paschburg Landschaftsarchitekten

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Südlicher Innenhof © 2012 H. Paschburg Dittloff + Paschburg Landschaftsarchitekten

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Südlicher Innenhof © 2012 H. Paschburg Dittloff+Paschburg Landschaftsarchitekten

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Quaderbank © 2012 H. Paschburg Dittloff + Paschburg Landschaftsarchitekten

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Monolith © 2012 H. Paschburg Dittloff+Paschburg Landschaftsarchitekten

Südlicher Innenhof © 2012 H. Paschburg Dittloff + Paschburg Landschaftsarchitekten

Südlicher Innenhof © 2012 H. Paschburg Dittloff+Paschburg Landschaftsarchitekten

Quaderbank © 2012 H. Paschburg Dittloff + Paschburg Landschaftsarchitekten

The forecourt of the newly built Center for Free-Electron Laser Science of the University of Hamburg forms the northern end of the Bahrenfeld Campus. The design refers to the access areas of the neighboring buildings and presents itself as a simple stone surface.

The square is slightly sloped, a large part of the rainwater is directed into the adjacent rainwater retention basin, which is part of the design and low point of the square. The biotope-like water surface stands in harsh contrast to the extremely reduced square surface, from whose minimalist surface monolithic ashlar benches protrude. The banding of the paving and the orientation of the benches are vertically oriented to the rising terrain and thus emphasize it.

The two inner courtyards of the CFEL form a kind of synthesis of the polarity of the design in front of the building: The banding of the paving is taken up here in the form of strips of flagstones, which ensure a loose passage through the courtyard area. These paths are surrounded by herbaceous areas mulched with coarse gravel. The southern courtyard also offers a paved terrace as an extension of the cafeteria.

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Planning offices

Dittloff Paschburg Landscape Architects
Hamburg Ottensen

Project period
2007 - 2012

11.000 m²

Behörde für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt
Amt für Bauordnung und Hochbau
Hochschulbau HSB-B

Notkestraße 85
22607 Hamburg

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Project type
Open spaces for business and public facilities