Cemetery extension Schwarzenbruck

Zentraler Platz mit Juramauern und Durchgang zu Urnenwand und Baumbestattung © 2014 Riede

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Baumbestattung aus 16 rotblühenden Robinien © 2013 Riede

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Bänke vor Mauern werden in der Übergangszeit bevorzugt © 2014 Riede

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Detail Brunnen © 2014 Riede

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Haupttor aus pulverbeschichtetem 10 mm Stahlblech © 2014 Riede

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Detail Hochbeete © 2014 Riede

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Baumscheibe als Baumgrab mit beschrifteten Grabzeichen © 2014 Riede

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Baumbestattungsfläche und Urnenwände © 2013 Riede

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Detail Juramauern © 2013 Riede

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Zentraler Platz mit Juramauern und Durchgang zu Urnenwand und Baumbestattung © 2014 Riede

Baumbestattung aus 16 rotblühenden Robinien © 2013 Riede

Bänke vor Mauern werden in der Übergangszeit bevorzugt © 2014 Riede

Detail Brunnen © 2014 Riede

Haupttor aus pulverbeschichtetem 10 mm Stahlblech © 2014 Riede

Detail Hochbeete © 2014 Riede

Baumscheibe als Baumgrab mit beschrifteten Grabzeichen © 2014 Riede

Baumbestattungsfläche und Urnenwände © 2013 Riede

Detail Juramauern © 2013 Riede

The Schwarzenbruck cemetery has been expanded to include an adjacent meadow area with new burial options. These include tree burial, lawn burial and two urn walls. Several seating areas serve as a resting and meeting place.

The area is crisscrossed by high bedrock in places and had to be raised by up to 1.20 m in these areas to allow for burials and tree planting.
For tree burial, 16 "Casque Rouge" black locust trees were planted in a central area bordered on three sides by steps. Each tree allows for 8 urn burials, each marked by a small format headstone on the tree disc. The lawn burial was conceived for the care-free burial in the ground, since offers for this are missing also in the further environment.

The central place at the fountain as well as the marginal place at the cross are enclosed by Jura quarry stone walls, which make a clear space formation possible and increase the quality of stay. The aim of the measure was, in addition to the function as a burial area, in particular the creation of a local, park-like green space, which should invite to stay and allow meetings.

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Planning offices

riede landschaftsarchitektur

Project period
2010 - 2013

7.000 m²

Construction amount
430.000 €

Gemeinde Schwarzenbruck

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Project type
Parks and green spaces