Psychiatric day clinic Uelzen Special prize: "Green island in the city"

Grüne Insel © 2017 Birgit Hammerich Hammerich

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Landschaftsrahmen © 2017 Birgit Hammerich Hammerich

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Wege der Begegnung © 2017 Birgit Hammerich Hammerich

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Kleiner Park © 2017 Birgit Hammerich Hammerich

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Grüne Insel © 2017 Birgit Hammerich Hammerich

Landschaftsrahmen © 2017 Birgit Hammerich Hammerich

Wege der Begegnung © 2017 Birgit Hammerich Hammerich

Kleiner Park © 2017 Birgit Hammerich Hammerich

In 2017, Psychiatrische Kliniken Uelzen gGmbH built a psychiatric day clinic with an institutional outpatient clinic in the center of Uelzen. The site (6800 m2) is located at the rear of a villa development from the 1930s.

The two-storey clinic building with two wings is a solitary building in the town, which is why the surrounding area was deliberately designed as a "green island" in the town. The main entrance opens to the north-east and allows pedestrian access, which continues out of the building like a system of branches into the outside space.

"Green island in the city"

The outdoor facilities create an outdoor space around the building that forms a natural, protected green space - a "green island" in which the building is embedded. As a visitor to the clinic, you will find a quiet world of your own here, away from everyday life. You can immerse yourself in the small park with its natural plantings and dense groves of trees. Aspects such as tranquillity and a sense of security, embedded in nature, should have a positive effect on the well-being of staff and patients. This effect should also be felt in the building through the intensive visual relationship from the inside to the outside. This concept attempts to create as much natural planting as possible and as few lawns as necessary. Mixed perennial planting was used. Green therapy rooms and exercise elements were integrated into the facility.

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Planning offices

hla - hammerich landscape architecture
Neustadt a. Rbge.

M.Sc. Janine Szodry

Project period

6800 m2

Construction amount
ca. 450.000 €

Psychiatrische Klinik Uelzen gGmbH

Alewinstr. 17
29525 Uelzen