The stork place of Calbe/Saale Participation and an association for a liveable city

Der neue Storchplatz von Calbe/Saale. © 2011 Welz

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Die Ausgangssituation © 2009 Welz

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Vereinsmitglieder beräumen den Platz © 2009 Welz

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Bürger der Stadt Calbe/Saale nehmen aktiv Teil an der Umgestaltung ihrer Stadt. © 2010 Welz

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Die Bauphase © 2010 Welz

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Fachfirmen realisieren Tiefbau- und Wegebauarbeiten, im Auftrag der Stadtverwaltung. © 2010 Welz

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Der Storchplatz wird von der Stadt und dem Verschönerungsverein an die Bürger übergeben. © 2010 Naumann Anja Welz

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Die feierliche Übergabe. © 2010 Welz

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Der neue Storchplatz von Calbe/Saale. © 2011 Welz

Die Ausgangssituation © 2009 Welz

Vereinsmitglieder beräumen den Platz © 2009 Welz

Bürger der Stadt Calbe/Saale nehmen aktiv Teil an der Umgestaltung ihrer Stadt. © 2010 Welz

Die Bauphase © 2010 Welz

Fachfirmen realisieren Tiefbau- und Wegebauarbeiten, im Auftrag der Stadtverwaltung. © 2010 Welz

Der Storchplatz wird von der Stadt und dem Verschönerungsverein an die Bürger übergeben. © 2010 Naumann Anja Welz

Die feierliche Übergabe. © 2010 Welz

Based on an initiative that already existed in Germany in the 1920s, a beautification association was founded again in the town of Calbe/Saale after 90 years. The declared goal was to make the city of Calbe/Saale appear more attractive and livable through the active participation of citizens.
From a list of priorities, the project "Storchplatz" emerged as one of the first more complex measures. In coordination with the mayor and the building authority, it became clear that the projects could not be implemented without professional planning. Thus, the local landscape architecture office Welz was initially consulted. In the context of two meetings of the executive committee together with the mayor and the representatives of the city administration, the most different conceptions for the organization, for the conversion and for the financing of measures were carried together. The landscape architect's office Welz received thereupon, from the city administration, the order for the planning of the measure "Storchplatz", under the condition of the citizen participation and the inclusion of the Verschönerungsvereins with the draft planning, financing planning and with the conversion. A public meeting of the association was held, to which all interested citizens were invited. Here the project was presented, first ideas were explained and further suggestions were taken up and wishes were discussed. Afterwards my office started to work on the preliminary draft. For this all collected conceptions were examined for feasibility and weighed.
The results were discussed, with the presentation of the preliminary design, in the context of a further public association meeting. The nature and extent of in-house
contributions, as well as the amount of funding required for in-house
contributions, were specified as part of the planning process and discussed at board meetings. Serious consideration generally resulted in good acceptance of the planning.
So went with the "Stork Square" a project, in the planning and implementation, in which the necessary own funds were raised to 75 urchin by the beautification association. This happened partly by donations in kind, e.g. for a new sculpture, for the planned planting material or for provided technology and containers for disposal of the demolition materials. Financial support was also provided by donations from residents and many local businesses. Own shares by work achievements were furnished by association members, in the context of work employments for clearing work, for auxiliary work, planting work and care.
All further achievements were assigned in the context of the advertisement to specialized companies. All external and internal services were planned, scheduled and professionally monitored by Büro Welz. The organization of donations in kind, financial donations and the own contributions took place over the association, according to, in the context of the planning compiled and specified financial planning, material planning and work planning.

The preparation of the measure began in summer 2009, with the planning services, were started in October 2009. In April 2010, a construction site clearance by the association members, in August 2010, the realization began by the bound specialist companies, with the final planting by the association members, in October 2010, the measure was completed.
The small square is now well accepted and for the citizens of the city a valuable sign of positive development and identification with their own city. The city council is planning to implement further measures together with the beautification association in the future.

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Planning offices

Landscape architecture office Welz

Project period
2008 - 2010

600 qm

Construction amount

Stadt Calbe/Saale
Verschönerungsverein Calbe/Saale

Bernburger Straße, Ecke Neustadt
39240 Calbe/Saale

Show project location on map

Project type
Squares, promenades, pedestrian areas
Public participation / moderation