Landscape conservation implementation planning Kosterstraße

Landschaftspflegerische Ausführungsplanung Kosterstraße © RS

Landschaftspflegerische Ausführungsplanung Kosterstraße © RS

Construction supervision of landscape management measures

The NRW state road construction company has modernised and extended the Buchenhain and Grüntal service stations on the A44 motorway in the Unna area. The Kosterstrasse, which connects Hattingen with the district of Bochum-Stiepel, was also upgraded. The necessary compensatory and replacement measures were presented in a landscape management implementation plan and described in a bill of quantities. The construction work includes the planting of a large area of copses as well as the planting of lime trees and hornbeam solitaires, which create special accents in the newly designed road space. As a replacement measure, an overgrown ruderal area was extensified. In the course of the construction work, particular emphasis was placed on high-quality execution in accordance with the specifications. Single trees were bound in the nursery quarters and their delivery was personally supervised, the planting sites were checked for Verticillium infestation, the planting pits were improved by soil additives including inoculation with mycorrhiza fungi. All service phases were comprehensively processed and documented in accordance with the Manual for the Award and Execution of Construction Work in Road and Bridge Construction (HVA B-StB) and accompanied as an expert.

Worked as project manager for Bosch

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Planning offices

Landschaftsarchitektur Steinmeier

Project period
2014 - 2016

Landesbetrieb Straßenbau NRW