G7 Summit Elmau

Schloss Elmau © 2014 NRT

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Schloss Elmau © 2015 NRT

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Elmautal © 2015 NRT

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Elmautal © 2015 NRT

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Zauneidechsen-Umsiedlung © 2015 NRT

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Zauneidechsen-Ersatzhabitat © 2015 NRT

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trächtiges Zauneidechsenweibchen im Ersatzhabitat © 2016 NRT

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Krokuszählung vor und nach der Sodenverpflanzung © 2015 NRT

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Zwischenlagerung von Grassoden © 2015 NRT

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Schloss Elmau © 2014 NRT

Schloss Elmau © 2015 NRT

Elmautal © 2015 NRT

Elmautal © 2015 NRT

Zauneidechsen-Umsiedlung © 2015 NRT

Zauneidechsen-Ersatzhabitat © 2015 NRT

trächtiges Zauneidechsenweibchen im Ersatzhabitat © 2016 NRT

Krokuszählung vor und nach der Sodenverpflanzung © 2015 NRT

Zwischenlagerung von Grassoden © 2015 NRT

As host of the G7 summit in 2015, the German government chose Schloss Elmau in the market town of Mittenwald as the venue. The G7 summit was held there again in 2022. The Elmau Valley, with its surrounding wooded and partially undisturbed mountain slopes, is a highly sensitive area in terms of nature conservation as a European protected area (FFH area) and is of supra-regional importance for recreation all year round due to its scenic appeal. Consequently, all construction measures associated with the G7 summit (upgrading the infrastructure, security issues, briefing center, etc.) as well as operations during the summit days and in the immediately preceding construction phase had to be planned and carried out in close coordination with the nature conservation authorities. Of particular importance here was the specialist planning contribution to avoiding and minimizing interventions during the planning phase and monitoring compliance with the planned measures during the construction and dismantling phase as part of the environmental construction supervision.

NRT was commissioned for project management in the field of nature conservation and served as the point of contact for a total of three different clients. This included the preparation of all nature conservation documents with mapping work and participation in meetings.

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Planning offices

NRT shared office

Project period
ab 2014; 2021

Staatliches Bauamt Weilheim, Bundespresseamt, Bayerische Staatsforsten

In Elmau 2
82493 Krün

Show project location on map

Project type
Impact regulation and compensation
Project and process management