Bepflanzung der wechselfeuchten Zone am Wuhleteich © 2016 Stefan Braatz Planungsbüro Förster
Blick auf den Kienberg über den Wuhleteich © 2014 Julia Stöcker Planungsbüro Förster
Amphibienschutzzaun am Kienberg © 2015 Stefan Braatz Planungsbüro Förster
In the context of the planning and construction of the IGA Berlin 2017, the planning office Förster takes over various services of environmental and nature conservation concerns and supported the Grün Berlin GmbH in the project preparation, the planning as well as the execution preparation. Currently, Planungsbüro Förster is responsible for the ecological construction supervision and accompanies the construction until the completion of the project.
- Preparation of environmental and nature conservation statements and expert opinions on the building applications,
- coordination with the competent authorities,
- faunistic and floristic mapping,
- environmental impact studies,
- species conservation technical contributions,
- regular site inspections to check construction companies for compliance with
nature conservation requirements,
- documentation of events relating to ecological construction monitoring,
- participation in construction meetings and jour fixes on the planning process,
- Monitoring of compliance with the measures mandated by planning law,
- Monitoring of avoidance and mitigation measures,
- Technical support of the construction supervision, the specialist planners and the project management,
- Participation in public participation events,
- Conducting of nature conservation tours and presentations,
- Cooperation in press and public relations,
- Conducting of nature conservation workshops with the nature conservation associations,
u. a.
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Planning offices
Planning office Förster
Stefan Braatz, Ingrid Kleess-Krauthausen, Julia Stöcker
Project period
- 2017
Grün Berlin GmbH
Columbiadamm 10 (Turm 7)
12101 Berlin