Concepts for open space development and climate adaptation Ludwigsburg Green veins for a vibrant city

Integriertes Stadtentwicklungskonzept Ludwigsburg SEK © faktorgruen

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Thermisches Empfinden der StadtbewohnerInnen © faktorgruen

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Bestandsaufnahme und Bedarfsermittlung © faktorgruen

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Leitbild zukünftige Freiraumentwicklung Ludwigsburg © faktorgruen

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Verbundsystem - grüne Vernetzung © faktorgruen

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Neuschaffung und Qualifizierung von Parkanlagen © faktorgruen

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Grüne Vernetzung - Grüne Boulevards © faktorgruen

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Grüne Vernetzung - Vervollständigung des teilweise vorhandenen Grünen Rings © faktorgruen

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ausgewählte Stadttypologien Ludwigsburg © faktorgruen

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Maßnahmenbaukasten für ausgewählte Stadtstrukturtypen © faktorgruen

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Quartiersbezogene Maßnahmenschwerpunkte © faktorgruen

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Zeilenbebauung mit Maßnahmenschwerpunkten © faktorgruen

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Freiflächenentwicklungskonzept Ludwigsburg © faktorgruen

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Integriertes Stadtentwicklungskonzept Ludwigsburg SEK © faktorgruen

Thermisches Empfinden der StadtbewohnerInnen © faktorgruen

Bestandsaufnahme und Bedarfsermittlung © faktorgruen

Leitbild zukünftige Freiraumentwicklung Ludwigsburg © faktorgruen

Verbundsystem - grüne Vernetzung © faktorgruen

Neuschaffung und Qualifizierung von Parkanlagen © faktorgruen

Grüne Vernetzung - Grüne Boulevards © faktorgruen

Grüne Vernetzung - Vervollständigung des teilweise vorhandenen Grünen Rings © faktorgruen

ausgewählte Stadttypologien Ludwigsburg © faktorgruen

Maßnahmenbaukasten für ausgewählte Stadtstrukturtypen © faktorgruen

Quartiersbezogene Maßnahmenschwerpunkte © faktorgruen

Zeilenbebauung mit Maßnahmenschwerpunkten © faktorgruen

Freiflächenentwicklungskonzept Ludwigsburg © faktorgruen

In times of climate change, it is indispensable for cities to deal with adaptation strategies that take effect, among other things, during heat waves and heavy rainfall events. An effective and comparatively inexpensive strategy is to further develop the existing urban green in a qualified manner. Against this background, faktorgruen has developed two concepts for the city of Ludwigsburg (Stuttgart region): The open space development concept FEK and the climate adaptation concept Klik. Both concepts build on each other and are embedded in the overall process of integrated urban development in Ludwigsburg. Their particular strength lies in the consistent dovetailing with each other, with the urban green infrastructure forming the common interface. As a result, strategies and measures were developed on different spatial and organisational levels, which are intended to sustainably improve the quality of life of the city's inhabitants.

For the city of Ludwigsburg, faktorgruen has developed two interlocking concepts for climate-friendly open space development: The open space development concept FEK, which focuses on the development of a city-wide green system, and the climate adaptation concept Klik, which aims to prepare the urban community for the impacts of climate change. The interdepartmental department for sustainable urban development of the city of Ludwigsburg is responsible for integrating these informal plans into the overarching urban development concept (SEK). This is continuously evaluated and updated in a participatory process. Open space development and climate adaptation are thus part of the overall urban development strategy.

The interrelationships between open space development and climate adaptation are focal points of both concepts. After all, the qualitative and quantitative further development of urban green spaces is the best option when it comes to adapting cities to heat waves and heavy rain events, among other things. The particular focus is on measures that not only serve the urban climate, but also improve the overall quality of life of the city's inhabitants.

The analysis of the existing situation has shown that the baroque city, which was once generously equipped with parks and tree-lined avenues, has grown considerably in terms of construction, but that the provision of green and recreational areas has not been sufficiently taken into account. The consequences: The distances to green areas have become too far for many people, existing parks are under heavy user pressure, tree-lined avenues are overlaid by motor traffic and the quality of stay in many neighbourhoods is inadequate.

The guiding principle formulated in the project includes the networking of existing green spaces and those to be newly created, as well as the urban quarters, which are to be developed in the sense of environmental justice. Three building blocks for open space development were defined:

-New creation and qualification of parks
-Development of a green interconnected system
-Improvement of the direct residential environment

For the parks, potential areas for new creation were named and development proposals for the upgrading of existing facilities were made. Since the potential areas for the creation of new parks are limited, the networking of the existing green spaces is all the more important. The FEK identifies four elements here:

-Expansion of the avenue system
-Re-exhibition of the major urban axes as green boulevards
-Completion of the Green Ring around the central districts
-Development of a cycle expressway along the railway line as a section of a potential cycle expressway network for the Stuttgart region

Quarters with particular upgrading potential were identified by superimposing open space accessibility, climatic preload and population density. The need for green space in these neighbourhoods is particularly high.

In order to upgrade these neighbourhoods, urban structure-specific implementation-oriented measures were designed. Special consideration was given to the double internal development: How can Ludwigsburg sensibly increase building density while at the same time upgrading open space? In detail, these six measures were considered in more detail:

- Upgrading of streets as attractive open spaces
-Development of an urban tree stock suitable for the climate
-Creation of pocket parks, especially in neighbourhoods without access to larger green spaces
-Protection and development of green inner courtyards
-Innovative greening of buildings
-Promotion of near-natural water cycles in the city.

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Planning offices

Freiburg (weitere Standorte in Rottweil, Heidelberg und Stuttgart)

Project period
2014 - 2016

ca. 43 km²

Stadt Ludwigsburg

Show project location on map