Climate Quarter Lutherviertel Halle/Saale Climate analyses and concepts for urban districts

Vegetation - Kühlung durch Verschattung © planerzirkel

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Regen - Verortung von Maßnahmen zur Minderung von Schadenspotentialen © planerzirkel

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Wind - Analyse der Bebauungsstruktur © planerzirkel

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Regen - Rückhaltung & Kühlung durch Verdunstung © planerzirkel

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Bewohnerbeteiligung - Wiesenprojekte © planerzirkel

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Bewohnerbeteiligung - Schulprojekte © planerzirkel

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Regen - Rückhaltung © planerzirkel

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Vegetation - Schattensimulation © planerzirkel

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Oberflächen - Flächensimulationen mit ENVI-met © planerzirkel

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Logo "stadtklima" © planerzirkel

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Vegetation - Kühlung durch Verschattung © planerzirkel

Regen - Verortung von Maßnahmen zur Minderung von Schadenspotentialen © planerzirkel

Wind - Analyse der Bebauungsstruktur © planerzirkel

Regen - Rückhaltung & Kühlung durch Verdunstung © planerzirkel

Bewohnerbeteiligung - Wiesenprojekte © planerzirkel

Bewohnerbeteiligung - Schulprojekte © planerzirkel

Regen - Rückhaltung © planerzirkel

Vegetation - Schattensimulation © planerzirkel

Oberflächen - Flächensimulationen mit ENVI-met © planerzirkel

Logo "stadtklima" © planerzirkel

The city of Halle (Saale) actively considers the potentials of an effective energy and climate protection policy.
With the neighbourhood-related climate protection and climate adaptation assessment as part of the development of the integrated energy neighbourhood concept in the "Lutherviertel", the city of Halle / Saale, together with Bauverein Halle & Leuna eG, is making an important contribution to the investigation of the implementation possibilities of national climate protection goals.

The aim of the neighbourhood concept is:
- To name, evaluate and communicate dangers and risks, to make their probabilities of occurrence and damage potentials as well as uncertainties transparent.
- to sensitise actors and create awareness among those concerned
- to provide a basis for decision-making that enables the various actors to take precautions and gradually integrate the impacts of climate change into private, corporate and official planning and action
- to identify possible courses of action, to coordinate and define responsibilities, and to formulate and implement measures.

Within the neighbourhood concept, the following objectives of the open space concept are considered:
The functional upgrading of the neighbourhood, in connection with measures for climate impact adaptation, can be achieved in the outdoor space by creating attractive and climate-appropriate green and residential environment structures. The office planerzirkel submits concrete solution and design proposals for climate adaptation measures. Supports the brainstorming for communal open spaces. Conceives variants for the implementation of climate adaptation measures, taking into account the heat load as well as energy efficiency. In addition, possibilities for "active cooling" in the neighbourhood, through rainwater retention and evaporation, are developed, taking into account the expected heavy rainfall events.

Urban green spaces have a variety of functions:

Green open spaces are places of encounter, social cohesion and cultural and architectural identity. They serve for recreation and exercise, they are places for sport and play, they make a positive contribution to health and well-being and can thus contribute to the quality of life of the population. As green infrastructure, green open spaces are also fresh air corridors and cold air production areas, they dampen noise, support air pollution control and temperature regulation. They are therefore important for climate and health protection and for regulating the water balance. As habitats for flora and fauna, they support biodiversity and are spaces for experiencing nature in the city. Green open spaces are an essential prerequisite for sustainable, commendable and viable cities and regions. (Source: White Paper on Urban Green Spaces, bmub-bund, April 2017)

The office planerzirkel® of the landscape architect BDLA, Hans Gerd Kleymann, has been creating analyses and concepts for climate change adaptation in urban neighbourhoods for 5 years under the label stadtklima®.

Climate change is a major challenge at the beginning of the 21st century. Its effects can already be observed today on many different scales.

Climate protection measures, such as the reduction of greenhouse gases, are important, but alone are often not sufficient to react appropriately to the visible and perceptible changes in our environment. Adaptation to the changing climate conditions is thus becoming increasingly important.

Within the framework of various projects, the office planerzirkel submits concrete solution and design proposals for climate adaptation measures, supports the brainstorming for communally used open spaces and designs variants for the implementation of climate adaptation, taking into account heat stress as well as energy consumption and energy efficiency.

Since climate change, according to estimates by the Federal Environment Agency and the DWD, will also lead to an increase in heavy rain or hail events and thus to overloading of existing drainage systems,
severe flooding and damage are possible.

For this reason, ideas for stormwater retention and use are integrated into the aforementioned concepts from the very beginning.

The focal points of the implementation-oriented concepts are:


- Analysis of the building structure
- Ventilation (small-scale)
- Cold air corridors (large-scale)


- Cooling through evaporation
- Retention of rainwater
- Reduction of the effects of heavy rainfall events


- Cooling through shading
- Buffering of temperature fluctuations
- Shadow simulations


- Analyses of climatic material properties
- Studies on the effects of sealed and unsealed surfaces
- Simulations of microclimatic effects of designs


- Parking facilities for e-bikes/pedelecs
- Areas for e-mobiles
- Car sharing for e-mobiles

**Citizen and resident participation**

- Urban Gardening
- Meadow projects
- School projects

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