Ursensollen Planetarium

Planetarium Ursensollen Luftbild © Fa. Lobinger

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Planetarium Ursensollen Luftbild © Fa. Lobinger

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Planetarium Ursensollen © 2017 evh Architekten

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Planetarium Ursensollen bei Nacht © 2017 evh Architekten

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Beispielbild Blumenwiese: Blühaspekt Frühjahr © 2017 Christopher Trepesch Trepesch Landschaftsarchitektur

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Beispielbild Blumenwiese: Blühaspekt Sommer © 2017 Christopher Trepesch Trepesch Landschaftsarchitektur

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Beispielbild Streuobstwiese © 2017 Christopher Trepesch Trepesch Landschaftsarchitektur

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Reptilien- und Amphibienbiotope © Christopher Trepesch

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Konzeptskizzen © Christopher Trepesch

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Mispeln am Planetarium © 2021 Christopher Trepesch Trepesch Landschaftsarchitektur

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Planetarium Ursensollen Luftbild © Fa. Lobinger

Planetarium Ursensollen Luftbild © Fa. Lobinger

Planetarium Ursensollen © 2017 evh Architekten

Planetarium Ursensollen bei Nacht © 2017 evh Architekten

Beispielbild Blumenwiese: Blühaspekt Frühjahr © 2017 Christopher Trepesch Trepesch Landschaftsarchitektur

Beispielbild Blumenwiese: Blühaspekt Sommer © 2017 Christopher Trepesch Trepesch Landschaftsarchitektur

Beispielbild Streuobstwiese © 2017 Christopher Trepesch Trepesch Landschaftsarchitektur

Reptilien- und Amphibienbiotope © Christopher Trepesch

Konzeptskizzen © Christopher Trepesch

Mispeln am Planetarium © 2021 Christopher Trepesch Trepesch Landschaftsarchitektur

The open spaces around the planetarium will be designed in radial shapes, based on the moon and planetary orbits. Pavement will be laid in the direct area where the telescopes are set up. The parking areas for cars (for the staff) and for the visitor bus will be paved with lawn joint paving and planted with typical herbs of the surrounding meagre grasslands. In front of the building, an attractive planting area with plants typical of the landscape will be laid out. A meadow orchard with fruit trees will be planted along the path to lead to the planetarium. The area under the trees and around the building will be sown as a flower meadow and used extensively to ensure nature conservation compensation. In addition, biotopes for reptiles and amphibians will be created along the edge of the forest. The planetarium is thus harmoniously integrated into the landscape through the near-natural and ecologically oriented design of the outdoor facilities.

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Planning offices

TREPESCH landscape architecture

Julia Luber

Further planners involved
evh Architekten
Christian Eberhard, Stefan Vogl, Andreas Hirsch

Firma Lobinger

Project period
2018 - 2019

Gemeinde Ursensollen


92289 Ursensollen