Linderhof Castle Renovation of the outdoor facilities

Frischrenovierter Brunnen © 2020 BEM

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Bogengänge und Wasserbecken ©  BEM

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Neugestalteter Vorplatz © 2020 BEM

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Schloss Linderhof © 2017 BEM Landschaftsarchitekten Stadtplaner

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Frischrenovierter Brunnen © 2020 BEM

Bogengänge und Wasserbecken ©  BEM

Neugestalteter Vorplatz © 2020 BEM

Schloss Linderhof © 2017 BEM Landschaftsarchitekten Stadtplaner

The grounds of Linderhof Castle are an outstanding garden monument. They are a major factor in the attractiveness of this much-visited attraction in the Ammergau Alps. The stresses caused by the harsh climate and the large number of visitors make regular renovations necessary. Interventions from earlier renovations and construction methods that are not in keeping with the monument and have not proved successful must be removed and restored to as original a state as possible.

The central facilities with the Temple of Venus, water basins and cascades, staircases and arcades in the highly undulating terrain will be renovated. The complex, which is over 150 years old, also has an outstanding tree population and species-rich mountain meadows, which must be protected as part of the restoration measures.

The redevelopment measures must be carried out in such a way that the impact on the surrounding area is not only reduced to a minimum in terms of space and function, but also visually. An important task of open space planning is the coordination of a large number of highly specialized planners for the buildings and art objects to be restored. The companies carrying out the work are also predominantly highly specialized and must therefore be selected and coordinated with particular care.

When renovating the outdoor facilities, it is not only important to ensure that the work is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the listed buildings, but also to ensure that the construction work is carried out as smoothly as possible without disrupting visitor operations, including during the 2018 State Exhibition.

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Planning offices

BEM Burkhardt | Engelmayer | Mendel

Oliver Engelmayer, Dipl.-Ing. LA, Stadtplaner, BYAK
Jasmin Grubwinkler, Dipl.-Ing. LA, BYAK
Alice Gundermann-Werner, Dipl.-Ing. LA, BYAK
Mathias Rauh, Dipl.-Ing. LA, BYAK
Stefanie Vilsmaier, M.Eng. LA, BYAK

Project period
seit 2017

Staatliches Bauamt Weilheim

Linderhof 12
82488 Ettal

Project type
Parks and green spaces
Redevelopment of (historic) open spaces