Freudenberger Weg Design of the outdoor facilities of a new residential building

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Planansicht der Freianlagen © 2019 hochC Landschaftsarchitekten PartGmbB hochC Landschaftsarchitekten PartGmbB

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Für die Müllentsorgung des gesamten Quartiers wurde ein zentraler Standort mit Unterflurcontainern gestaltet. © 2021  hochC Landschaftsarchitekten PartGmbB

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Skizze der Eingangsbereiche © 2019 hochC Landschaftsarchitekten PartGmbB hochC Landschaftsarchitekten PartGmbB

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Skizze des Hofes © 2019 hochC Landschaftsarchitekten PartGmbB hochC Landschaftsarchitekten PartGmbB

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©  hochC Landschaftsarchitekten PartGmbB

Planansicht der Freianlagen © 2019 hochC Landschaftsarchitekten PartGmbB hochC Landschaftsarchitekten PartGmbB

©  hochC Landschaftsarchitekten PartGmbB

©  hochC Landschaftsarchitekten PartGmbB

Für die Müllentsorgung des gesamten Quartiers wurde ein zentraler Standort mit Unterflurcontainern gestaltet. © 2021  hochC Landschaftsarchitekten PartGmbB

©  hochC Landschaftsarchitekten PartGmbB

Skizze der Eingangsbereiche © 2019 hochC Landschaftsarchitekten PartGmbB hochC Landschaftsarchitekten PartGmbB

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Skizze des Hofes © 2019 hochC Landschaftsarchitekten PartGmbB hochC Landschaftsarchitekten PartGmbB

©  hochC Landschaftsarchitekten PartGmbB

The Charlottenburger Baugenossenschaft is planning to construct four five-storey and one eight-storey residential building on the site.

The architecture and open space are to form a unit both in terms of design and function. The aim is for the new quarter to dovetail with the adjacent existing residential buildings without creating a barrier effect on the existing buildings. In particular, existing pathways and visual connections for users are to be maintained and strengthened.

The connecting center of the new and existing residential buildings forms a spacious square. The green areas in its center are provided with extensive, species-rich planting.

In a surrounding band of slabs there are seating areas that invite you to linger in the shade of the neighborhood tree.

A playground for different age groups is planned for the neighborhood on the western edge of the site. The toddler area will be located opposite the residents' meeting point in the central building. A play area for older children is also planned adjacent to the outdoor daycare area.

The rainwater from the roof areas and outdoor facilities will seep into the ground.

The water that accumulates on the extensively greened flat roofs of the buildings is directed via downpipes into the area of the tenant terraces and from the façade via gutters into deep beds and troughs.

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Planning offices

hochC landscape architects PartGmbB

Susanne Moll, Ralf-Peter Haigis

Further planners involved
Ingenieurgesellschaft Prof. Dr. Sieker mbH

Project period
2017 - laufend

9.700 m2

Construction amount
ca. 2 Mio € brutto

Auftraggeber: mbpk Architekten
Bauherr: Charlottenburger Baugesellschaft

Freudenberger Weg
13583 Berlin

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Project type
Green concepts for residential, commercial and industrial areas
Playgrounds, e.g. at childcare centers and schools
Ecological concepts for settlements and stormwater management
Green roofs, facades and interiors