
Brücke im Nuthepark © 2001 FJP

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Uferpromenade © 2001 FJP

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Kunstwald © 2001 FJP

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Detail, Steg an der Havel © 2001 FJP

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Detail Belag, Pflanzung © 2001 FJP

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Drachenspielplatz © 2001 fjp FJP

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Brücke im Nuthepark © 2001 FJP

Uferpromenade © 2001 FJP

Kunstwald © 2001 FJP

Detail, Steg an der Havel © 2001 FJP

Detail Belag, Pflanzung © 2001 FJP

Drachenspielplatz © 2001 fjp FJP

The Nuthepark is part of the Potsdam BUGA backdrop "Places on the River" created in 2001. It connects over a length of 1.25 km the historical park of Babelsberg with the Potsdam city center.
The design preserves the existing near-natural and enchanted character of the green corridor. It is the clearings as well as exposed remnants of old avenues and rows of trees that represent special places in the park. The existing structures are complemented by a variety of recreational and play opportunities. In addition to several thematic playgrounds, large meadow areas with wooden platforms near the water invite visitors to linger.
In the course of the redesign, the banks of the federal waterway were renaturalized and maintenance measures were carried out in the forest of the LSG "Nuthetal".

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Planning offices


Project period
1998 - 2001

12,5 ha


14473 Potsdam

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Project type
Parks and green spaces