Aranka meadow park, Warnemünde

Arankawiesenpark © 2018 hannes hamann landschaftsarchitekten

Arankawiesenpark © 2018 hannes hamann landschaftsarchitekten

The Aranka-Wiesen-Park in Warnemünde is located directly behind the beach, the dune and the villas along the promenade. Through the redesign, the play and recreation areas (7-19 years) were designed generously, diverse and age-appropriate. The tree population with its old oaks, pines and beeches characterises the park and was integrated into the design. The existing forest paths made of light-coloured water-bound surface were upgraded to small squares in the areas of the adventure playground. In the side areas, seating cubes, benches and bicycle lean-to bars were placed.
South, a new soccer field and streetball facility were created. Somewhat away from the sports areas, an existing small clearing was supplemented in the peripheral areas with woody plantings and can be used as a sunbathing lawn, for picnics, sports and games.
In all areas, sufficient seating and sunbathing areas were provided to suit the different needs of the respective user groups.

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Planning offices

hannes hamann landschaftsarchitekten

Other planning stakeholders
Piolka Holzgestaltung

Project period


Hansestadt Rostock, Amt für Stadtgrün

Project type
Playgrounds, e.g. at childcare centers and schools