Wiekerstrasse competition Area development residential quarter

Perspektive Nachbarschaftsgarten ©  hochC Landschaftsarchitekten PartGmbB

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Umgebungslageplan ©  hochC Landschaftsarchitekten PartGmbB

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Schnittansicht kurze Gebäudeseite ©  hochC Landschaftsarchitekten PartGmbB

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Fassadenansichten lange Gebäudeseite ©  hochC Landschaftsarchitekten PartGmbB

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Konzeptherleitung Städtebau ©  hochC Landschaftsarchitekten PartGmbB

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Lageplan ©  hochC Landschaftsarchitekten PartGmbB

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Perspektive Nachbarschaftsgarten ©  hochC Landschaftsarchitekten PartGmbB

Umgebungslageplan ©  hochC Landschaftsarchitekten PartGmbB

Schnittansicht kurze Gebäudeseite ©  hochC Landschaftsarchitekten PartGmbB

Fassadenansichten lange Gebäudeseite ©  hochC Landschaftsarchitekten PartGmbB

Konzeptherleitung Städtebau ©  hochC Landschaftsarchitekten PartGmbB

Lageplan ©  hochC Landschaftsarchitekten PartGmbB

HOWOGE intends to redensify the undeveloped area within a spacious residential block with an eleven-storey building block. The loose structure of the prefabricated buildings, which were built at the end of the 1980s, and the large green courtyards characterize the project environment. Around 90 residential units and a daycare center on the first floor are to be created. The existing intercultural garden in the courtyard is seen as a quality of the site and will be preserved wherever possible. To this end, an integrative design approach is being pursued that sees the courtyard as an overall picture.

The new building with its open spaces should not be used in an additive manner, but rather integrated for maximum acceptance, which is also ensured by incorporating familiar elements such as the birch groves and upgrading the existing building with recreational and play facilities. A playground for small children is planned close to the café terrace. Some of the produce from the garden could be used in the café and the building façade can be seen as a garden. The neighborhood garden retains its semi-public character and the existing fence only opens up to the new neighborhood square. The open space flows underneath the building and strengthens the public square. The bicycle racks are protected from the weather under the building and are thus accessible without taking up additional space. The rainwater collected remains on site and is first used to irrigate the façade and garden and then seeps away on the site. For the ten required car parking spaces, the longitudinal parking spaces are converted into transverse parking spaces, which eliminates the need for additional access areas.

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Planning offices

hochC landscape architects PartGmbB

Other planning stakeholders
roedig.schop architekten

Project period

Bauherr: HOWOGE

