Outline plan for the Bad Urach 2027 garden show Bad Urach connects

Maßnahmenkonzept © Kienleplan

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Perspektive Kurpark © Kienleplan

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Perspektive Diegele-Wehr © Kienleplan

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Perspektive Ermswiesen © Kienleplan

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Maßnahmenkonzept © Kienleplan

Perspektive Kurpark © Kienleplan

Perspektive Diegele-Wehr © Kienleplan

Perspektive Ermswiesen © Kienleplan

The framework plan is an informal planning instrument that can be used to sound out the development potential of urban and open spaces and to roughly outline the prospects for future uses. The framework plan sets out basic guidelines and objectives and formulates recommendations for action that are linked to site-specific potentials and needs for action. The framework plan consists of a text section and a plan section and includes a comprehensive analysis of the current situation, incorporates the results of discussions with specialist offices and authorities and provides the basis for further planning processes through initial test drafts and variant testing.

By involving the entire population (adults, young people and children/schools) via participation formats, the concept is placed on a broad basis and, in summary, results in a fundamental consensus for the development of the future permanent facilities of the garden show grounds in and around the grounds of the Bad Urach spa gardens.

As the framework plan is not legally binding, the municipal council will bind itself by resolution to the content developed and defined in it once it has been drawn up. These are then to be used as the basis for further planning as decisive urban development and open space planning objectives and will lead to an open space planning competition procedure in Bad Urach for the design of the permanent facilities from the Diegele weir to the Ermswiesen.

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Planning offices

Kienleplan GmbH

Christiane Meßner
Dijana Radojevic
Maxime Scagnetti

Project period
2020 - 2021

23 ha

Construction amount
9,40 Mio € brutto

Stadt Bad Urach