Castle garden

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© 2022 Hanns Joosten POLA Landschaftsarchitekten GmbH

© 2022 Hanns Joosten POLA Landschaftsarchitekten GmbH

© 2022 Hanns Joosten POLA Landschaftsarchitekten GmbH

© 2022 Hanns Joosten POLA Landschaftsarchitekten GmbH

© 2022 Hanns Joosten POLA Landschaftsarchitekten GmbH

©  POLA Landschaftsarchitekten GmbH

When redesigning the Osnabrück Palace Gardens, POLA did not aim for a reconstruction, but rather a reinterpretation of the baroque garden, which was highly esteemed by the nobility at the time. The landscape architects dared to transform a type of garden that was once radically modern and far ahead of its time, based on mathematical balance and vegetative harmony. Particular importance was attached to taking into account the listed parts of this historically valuable garden and cultural asset. Attention was also paid to the existing usage pressure and integration into the surroundings through links and pathways.

The palace garden now offers an interplay of carefree and strictly ordered interaction with the elements of nature - in the spirit of the Baroque period. The lightness of being is expressed in an almost choreographic staging of the circular water feature, which is a central component of the new palace gardens. Several gargoyles at the edge of the fountain field emphasize the baroque character of the palace and palace garden. The field itself is a central and meeting point that invites visitors to play with and in the water, exchange ideas or simply enjoy the view of the palace garden.

A key aim of the redesign was to prepare the park for the effects of climate change. All park paths were unsealed and more than 40 climate-resistant trees were planted. The planting of the decorative beds was changed from elaborate, unsustainable alternating flora to perennial shrubs and grasses. Drainage now takes place exclusively into the adjacent lawn and vegetation areas. The rainwater that accumulates is therefore no longer discharged via the public sewage system, but used to water the vegetation or returned to the groundwater via natural infiltration.

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Planning offices


Project period
2017 - 2021

25.000 m2

Construction amount
1,5 Mio. € netto

Stadt Osnabrück



Prices & Awards
Wettbewerb: 1. Preis, 2017
Auszeichnungen: Engere Wahl, Niedersächsischer Staatspreis Architektur, 2022