Moreover, commercial horticulture, which is not directly associated with garden culture, represents a unique position for Lower Saxony's potential in comparison with other horticultural networks. On the one hand, commercial horticulture is an important employer in numerous regions and contributes to the economic development of Lower Saxony. On the other hand, it has helped shape Lower Saxony's cultural landscape, such as the Ammerland region with its numerous, renowned nurseries.
Furthermore, in many regions of Lower Saxony one can still experience the interconnectedness of "agricultural landscape - garden - estate", such as in the so-called "wet triangle" between the Aller, Elbe and Weser rivers.
The diversity of Lower Saxony's garden culture was structured into five potential categories. These so-called garden horizon categories comprise the "cultural", the "form-rich", "educational", "living" and "productive" garden horizons and form a basis for all further considerations.
Pflanzenverkauf im Rhododendronpark der Baumschule Hobbie © 2011 Schoelkopf Schoelkopf freiraumforum
For the example region of the city of Westerstede, a health-oriented, horticultural development model with recommendations for measures for regional networking was discussed, which ties in with existing guiding objectives of the city of Westerstede and horticultural characteristics. The Ammerland is known as a nursery region, which also has tourist qualities, e.g. as a "cyclists' paradise". Westerstede also stands out as a rhododendron centre. The district of Ammerland already successfully communicates these strengths as "Parklandschaft Ammerland" for tourism marketing. However, it also became clear that the provision of information on garden culture for citizens of the region currently seems to be underrepresented and would therefore be advisable.
Erkunden der „Parklandschaft Ammerland“ mit dem Fahrrad © Ammerland-Touristik
A touring exhibition, which was first presented in 2010 as part of the Bad Essen Regional Garden Show with accompanying leaflet, is the first measure for internal and external marketing.
Synergies are also bundled in public relations work. Thus, the network presents itself in the brochure "Landreiselust-Urlaub und Freizeit in bäuerlichen Gärten und Parks", which, for example, was displayed at the International Green Week in Berlin and is used in tourism marketing.
Selected results of the potential analysis were published in the journal "Stadt und Grün" under the title "Der Gartenbesucher - das unbekannte Wesen? Expectation-oriented development of the garden cultural potential in Lower Saxony".
As a kick-off event for a state-wide network Garden Horizons, the results and recommendations of the potential analysis will be discussed with experts, representatives of garden initiatives and facility operators at three regional symposia in Lübeln, Vechelde and Westerstede in 2014 and further developed, e.g. by identifying additional fields of action.
The patronage of the initiative has been assumed by the Prime Minister of Lower Saxony.
Wanderausstellung Gartenhorizonte © 2010 Schoelkopf Freiraumforum Schoelkopf