Residential area Vauban Freiburg im Breisgau

Zweiter Bauabschnitt ©

Zweiter Bauabschnitt ©

A new residential and working quarter has been created on the site of a former barracks covering 40 hectares. The core of the new quarter is the central green axis, which also represents an important green connection between the inner city and the southern districts. With forward-looking specifications for mobility, energy use and efficiency, mixed use, open space design and planning participation, a district for the 21st century has been created here.
The ARGE Kohlhoff Kohlhoff / Luz Landschaftsarchitektur, Stuttgart, won 1st prize in the urban planning realisation competition. The Federal Republic of Germany was represented with this contribution at the EXPO in Shanghai.

The withdrawal of the French armed forces in 1992 was the starting signal for the emergence of the new district. The entire urban structure is based on the green structure given in the barracks. The urban design is oriented on this with regard to the development planning, the arrangement of the green corridors, roads and paths and the rainwater management. As a result, even when the first houses are built, there is an effective greening through with mighty plane trees and lime trees, which give the district a high degree of attractiveness from the very beginning. The Vauban quarter is considered the 1st German project with consistent implementation with building groups.

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Grünordnungsplanung zum Bebauungsplan: AG Freiraum Jochen Dittus und Andreas Böhringer
Städtebaulicher Gesamtentwurf: Kohlhoff & Kohlhoff Architekten mit Luz Landschaftsarchitektur, Stuttgart
Bauleitplanung durch das Stadtplanungsamt Freiburg , Volker Jeschek, Thomas Fabian

Project period
1995 - heute

40 ha, 90 % des Geländes ist inzwischen bebaut

Stadt Freiburg


79100 Freiburg im Breisgau

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