Garden of the Masters' Houses in Dessau Working in the UNESCO World Heritage Site

Haus Kandinsky mit neu gepflanzter Kiefer und "unsichtbarem" Zaun © 2003 Uwe Merz

Haus Kandinsky mit neu gepflanzter Kiefer und "unsichtbarem" Zaun © 2003 Uwe Merz

In connection with the restoration of the Bauhaus Dessau master houses, the outdoor facilities were also gradually restored. To this end, a concept for the preservation of historic monuments was first drawn up for the master house estate.
The orthogonal path system and the thinned out pine forest are essential design elements. Walter Gropius, as architect, deliberately placed the cubic, camp-like form of his houses between the towering trunks of the pines. The original effect was no longer present due to wartime destruction, complete alteration of the remaining houses and overgrowth of the open spaces. The trail system had almost completely disappeared.
The old trees were cleared and supplemented with new plantings. However, the problem was and still is that pines, which were already planted with tall, wide-branched trunks, have great difficulty establishing themselves in the stand. However, the groups and single specimens of younger pines planted in the rear of the property disfigure the view over long periods of time and will need to be singled out and re-branched over the next few years.
Since 2011, the last construction phase has been underway, the urban development repair of the settlement with new buildings in place of the destroyed houses, restoration of the garden wall at Haus Gropius (planning building and wall BFM Architekten, Berlin) and additions to the path system and plantings.

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Lage- und Gestaltungsplan für den östlichen Grundstücksteil

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Lageplan Meisterhaussiedlung

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Planning offices

Landschaftsarchitekturbüro Uwe Merz
Uwe Merz

Dipl.-Ing. Kathleen Bröse (nicht mehr im Büro)
Dipl-Ing (FH) Doreen Janocha
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Denise Miehlitz
MA Julia Ott-Stolze

Project period
2000 - 2014

15.400 m²

Stadt Dessau-Roßlau (mehrere Teilaufträge)
Wüstenrot-Stiftung Deutscher Eigenheimverein e.V. (Konzeption und Umfeld Haus Muche/Schlemmer)

Ebertallee 59 - 71
06846 Dessau-Roßlau
Bundesrepublik Deutschland

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Project type
Parks and green spaces
Planning of garden memorial care, park maintenance works
Redevelopment of (historic) open spaces