Rhinehessen Regional Park Master Plan

First round of workshops - the collection of ideas

In preparation for the ideas and planning workshops, an inventory of the existing potentials, activities and facilities in the region will be carried out. For this purpose, initial proposals and visualizations will be developed, which will serve as an introduction to the discussion on content.

The discussion of the first round of workshops will be structured by the following guiding questions:
- What makes the Rhinehesse region special for you?
- What is typical of the region, special for you?
- Which topics, places and / or symbols would you like to find in the Rhinehesse Regional Park again?
- Do you have concrete project ideas for the Rhinehesse Regional Park in their region?

In small groups, numerous creative ideas and suggestions are developed at tables, which were equipped with plan bases and drawing materials. In three rounds á 30 minutes is discussed, painted, explained, told - accompanied by the landscape architects and planners. Following the round of introductions, participants are asked to mark what they consider to be the most important topics and ideas using adhesive dots.

Over 100 citizens and experts took part in the discussions at the first four planning workshops. Approximately 400 project ideas as well as route suggestions have come together. The ideas collected form a pool that can be drawn on at any time and in any planning or implementation phase for the regional park.

Regionalpark_Auftakt © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

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1. Werkstattverfahren - World Cafe © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

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1. Werkstattverfahren - World Cafe © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

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Verteilen der Wertungspunkte in der Ideensammlung © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

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Projektideen aus der 1. Planungswerkstatt in Nieder-Olm © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

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Werkstattergebnis: Routenvorschlag mit Ideen für Impulsprojekte © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

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Regionalpark_Auftakt © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

1. Werkstattverfahren - World Cafe © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

1. Werkstattverfahren - World Cafe © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

Verteilen der Wertungspunkte in der Ideensammlung © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

Projektideen aus der 1. Planungswerkstatt in Nieder-Olm © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

Werkstattergebnis: Routenvorschlag mit Ideen für Impulsprojekte © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

Second round of workshops - developing impulse projects

The suggestions that are given greater chances of realisation form the basic framework for the future regional park. This framework of route and project proposals serves as a basis for discussion in the second workshop phase and is made up of the proposal for a regional route network and two major thematic blocks.

The planning workshops in the second phase are conducted in accordance with the open space method. After the presentation of the planning concept developed in the first round, the work is continued in thematic groups.

The guiding questions for the discussion topics this time are:
- Tell us what you think about the proposed routes and impulse projects.
- Do you have any tips for the implementation of the routes and projects regarding land availability, financing and funding opportunities as well as potential measure carriers?
- Are there any important measures or routes missing?

After the presentation of the elaborated results in the plenary session, the planners then formulate their conclusions from the discussion. As a conclusion of the workshop phase, they can state that the route concept, the emerging measures concept and a number of possible impulse projects meet with the consensual approval of all workshop participants.

Themenvorschläge zur Ideenfindung © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

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Moderation innerhalb der Werkstatt © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

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Werkstattverfahren 2 © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

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Diskussionen im Werkstattverfahren © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

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Themenvorschläge zur Ideenfindung © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

Moderation innerhalb der Werkstatt © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

Werkstattverfahren 2 © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

Diskussionen im Werkstattverfahren © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

Development priorities

The development focal points identified in the master plan and the projects integrated into them form an important component of regional park development. Building on and corresponding with the network of regional park routes, numerous impulse projects and measures are presented in ten spatial development focal points. Some maps of development focal points are presented as examples.

The selection of the development focal points was based on the following criteria:
- naming and weighting by participants in the planning workshops
- existing municipal sub-concepts
- short-term feasibility and readiness for implementation
- possible synergies and cooperation
- development perspectives from ongoing planning procedures
- conflicts of use / development opportunities and approaches to conflict resolution
- spatial context.

Karte Entwicklungsschwerpunkte © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

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Entwicklungsschwerpunkt Rochusberg Bingen © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

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Entwicklungsschwerpunkt Selztal © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

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Entwicklungsschwerpunkt Holzamer Literaturweg © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

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Entwicklungsschwerpunkte Rheinterrasse Nackenheim / Bretzenheimer Ebene © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

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Entwicklungsschwerpunkte Erich-Koch-Höhenweg / Burgweg Bodenheim © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

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Karte Entwicklungsschwerpunkte © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

Entwicklungsschwerpunkt Rochusberg Bingen © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

Entwicklungsschwerpunkt Selztal © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

Entwicklungsschwerpunkt Holzamer Literaturweg © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

Entwicklungsschwerpunkte Rheinterrasse Nackenheim / Bretzenheimer Ebene © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

Entwicklungsschwerpunkte Erich-Koch-Höhenweg / Burgweg Bodenheim © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

The route concept

The route concept

The main routes mark the central supra-local access and development axes of the regional park and connect it with neighbouring regions. As valley and altitude routes, they follow the regional green corridors and green corridors designated in the regional spatial development plan and thus contribute to their safeguarding as coherent living and landscape spaces.

The main routes open up the heavily frequented recreational areas in northern Rheinhessen. Ring routes complement these and connect them to form closed ring routes.

The high-altitude routes lead along the slope edge of the Rheinhessen plateau, past extensive vineyard areas and forest relics. The high-altitude routes offer spectacular views of the plains of the Rhine and Nahe and not infrequently connect valuable landscape types such as dry and semi-dry grasslands.

For the regional park routes, we developed a catalogue of design elements which, as recurring equipment examples, integrate the routes into the landscape.

Routenvorschlag aus einem Werkstattverfahren © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

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Das Routenkonzept Regionalpark Rheinhessen mit Haupt- und Ergänzungsrouten © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

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Gestaltungselement Schattenbaum © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

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Gestaltungselement Landschaftsrahmen © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

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Gestaltungselement 'Grünes Wegband' © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

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Routenvorschlag aus einem Werkstattverfahren © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

Das Routenkonzept Regionalpark Rheinhessen mit Haupt- und Ergänzungsrouten © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

Gestaltungselement Schattenbaum © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

Gestaltungselement Landschaftsrahmen © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

Gestaltungselement 'Grünes Wegband' © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten


Following the presentation of the draft master plan 21.01.2009 in the Mainz Landtag, the Mainz-Binger Declaration was adopted. The draft was supported by a broad consensus of the political bodies of the participating towns and districts. These bodies are also responsible for appointing a commissioner for the holistic development of the regional park. A regional park charter with concrete agreements is to be drawn up as a basis.

Abschlussveranstaltung im Landtag von Rheinland-Pfalz, Mainz © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

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Abschlussveranstaltung auf dem Rochusberg in Bingen © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

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Unterzeichnung der Mainz-Binger-Erklärung © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

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Abschlussveranstaltung im Landtag von Rheinland-Pfalz, Mainz © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

Abschlussveranstaltung auf dem Rochusberg in Bingen © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

Unterzeichnung der Mainz-Binger-Erklärung © BIERBAUM.AICHELE.landschaftsarchitekten

back to overview to the time shades
  1. First round of workshops - the collection of ideas
  2. Second round of workshops - developing impulse projects
  3. Development priorities
  4. The route concept
  5. Outlook