REM - Regional Management Westharz Securing and developing rural areas as living, working, economic and natural spaces | Fields of action Climate protection and adaptation to climate impacts

Bergwiese im Westharz © 2014 Janika Schemmel

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Blühaspekt Bergwiese im Westharz © 2014 Janika Schemmel

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Start Ebersberg-Loipe © 2014 Georg Grobmeyer

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Langlauf im Westharz © 2013 Georg Grobmeyer

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Bergwiese im Westharz © 2014 Janika Schemmel

Blühaspekt Bergwiese im Westharz © 2014 Janika Schemmel

Start Ebersberg-Loipe © 2014 Georg Grobmeyer

Langlauf im Westharz © 2013 Georg Grobmeyer

The regional management is to contribute to the initiation, continuation, organisation and implementation support of the initiated development process. The fields of action climate protection and climate impact adaptation were processed by the "Regional Development Concept Westharz" (2015) and successively implemented through various individual measures (2016 et seq.).

The concrete tasks of the Regional Management Westharz:
- Evaluation of the project idea with regard to feasibility
- Clarification of the procedure
- Locate or point out cooperation partners
- Initiate / promote networking
- Identify funding opportunities
- Advice and support in the submission of funding applications.

At the implementation level, ALAND, in cooperation with mensch region, supports project groups, municipalities or individual actors in the realisation of concrete projects and measures. These are divided into the fields of action

AField of action village development and supply
BField of action agriculture / forestry, climate and renewable energies
CField of action tourism and local recreation
DField of action social and health.

Here are some examples:

A11 Mountain meadows - Hohegeiß mountain meadow access planning concept as part of the ReM Westharz
B06 Strategies for implementing climate adaptation measures in the Westharz region
C03 Certified hiking guides - further training seminars for nature and landscape guides in the Westharz
C09 "Active and sports region Harz"; Optimization of the cross-country ski trails - cross-country ski trails network replanning and signposting

Spatial context
The four municipalities of Braunlage, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Langelsheim and Seesen are part of the metropolitan region of Hanover, Brunswick, Göttingen, Wolfs-burg, which on the one hand is promoted by the federal government as a showcase electromobility, and on the other hand has worked on the consequences of climate change as part of the federal program "Climate Train North".
The Zweckverband Großraum Braunschweig is currently developing a climate protection concept (currently phase 2: duration 2014 - 2017 "Masterplan zur Gestaltung der Energiewende"). "The concept is to serve as a basis for a targeted approach to energy provision, energy consumption and energy saving in order to initiate the substitution of fossil energy sources" (ZGB 2014b: www). The goal is to achieve an energy supply of 100 % renewable energies by 2050.
With the "Climate Protection Initiative Northern Harz Foothills and Northwest Harz", municipalities from the districts of Goslar and Wolfenbüttel already have a climate protection concept.
The district of Goslar wants to become a 100rrenewable energy region.
The ZGB revises the provisions in the RROP to designate new potential areas for wind energy.

Climate change - climate change adaptation LEADER region Westharz
The goals formulated in the framework of the regional development concept 2014 - 2020 to "climate change in the Harz" (insert link) should be successively further concretized and implemented in individual projects. This was clearly expressed at the events on the topic of "Climate Change and Climate Impact Adaptation in the Western Harz".
It is the goal of the Regional Development Concept 2014 - 2020 to contribute to the timely response to the requirements of climate change. However, this is only possible if knowledge of the effects specifically affecting the Harz is available. Forecasts must be concretised by further studies and analyses of existing data and specified with communal precision.
The LEADER region West Harz will have to expect effects of climate change in particular in the areas of - tourism, health, environmental education, - energy and water management and - forestry and agriculture, nature conservation. Therefore, support projects in all fields of action, especially agriculture / forestry, climate change adaptation, saving energy or the use of renewable energy are to be developed.
Currently to mention:
- Action days to activate the regional potentials of energy and resource efficiency
- Round table "Integrated flood protection in the Westharz" with the involvement of all stakeholders from politics, administration (municipalities, technical / licensing authority, maintenance associations...)
- Further projects are in preparation.

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Planning offices

ALAND Landschafts- und Umweltplanung

ARGE mensch + region und Planungsbüro ALAND

Project period

Initiative Zukunft Harz
Samtgemeinde Harz
Landkreis Goslar
Braunlage mit St. Andreasberg



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