Prof. Schaller UmweltConsult GmbH

© 2013 PSU

Prof. Schaller UmweltConsult GmbH

Prof. Dr. agr. Jörg Schaller, Dr. rer. nat. Johannes Gnädinger, Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Frühauf

Domagkstr. 1a
80807 München

Contact information

Tel. (0 89)  3 60 40 - 3 20
Fax (0 89)  38 03 85 84

In 2009 - after 25 years of successful business activity - the "Planungsbüro Prof. Dr. Jörg Schaller" was transferred to the newly founded company "Prof. Schaller UmweltConsult GmbH". The managing partner is Prof. Jörg Schaller with SSF Ingenieure AG as a partner in the company. Also since 2009, Dr. Johannes Gnädinger has brought his office LAB Dr. Gnädinger into PSU and taken over the function of managing director. The commercial managing director is Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Frühauf.

Together with the other partners of the SSF Group, new integrated services of infrastructure, structural engineering, environmental and open space planning can now be offered to the clients.
The development of an environmentally sound society requires a high level of knowledge and skills, and even more so a constant willingness to learn and change. In our work for landscape and environment, we are caught between the protection and shaping of the natural foundations of life on the one hand and the pressure on these through ever further building development and land use on the other. Thus we are confronted daily with the demands and plans of our mobile performance society on space and environment. Together with our clients and all those involved, we are called upon to seek solutions that successively reduce the burdens on the environment and lead to an economic system that is sustainable in the long term.

The methods in landscape planning and landscape architecture, once learned and proven many times over, are our essential foundation. Today however the large future topics urge us to develop our attitude and also our methods further. Topics are: the protection of biodiversity, which has to be improved enormously, the consistent conservation of resources and land, the braking of climate change with simultaneous adaptation to unavoidable climate changes and taking seriously the demand for more social participation.

We understand the digital tools as a valuable aid for interdisciplinary work on environmentally sound solutions. We are therefore particularly committed to the development of integrated 2D and 3D applications with geoinformation systems (GIS), also in connection with Building Information Modelling (BIM). We see this as a significant opportunity for closer coordination, cooperation and communication between all those involved, for the real benefit of people and the environment.