TANGSHAN CITY WATERFRONT Tangshan (CN) 2008 - Gutachten

Tangshan City Waterfront © 2008 Felix Holzapfel-Herziger L+

Tangshan City Waterfront © 2008 Felix Holzapfel-Herziger L+

Addressing the "boundary" between the city and the river is the most important aspect of the task. The relocation of the dykes, balancing the flood requirements, is a first approach to a new system of shoreline along the river in Tangshan. It is a matter of relief language to transform linear horizontal elements into a three-dimensional river space. What is demanded is space for controlled flooding and what is needed in particular are people who are tolerant of flooding, respectively the demand for a city that lives with and not against the flood.

in collaboration with:

emhz Architekten (Berlin)
Professor Barjenbruch (Berlin)
archworks (Beijing)
Studio Matthies (Berlin)

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Planning offices

L+ Landschaftsarchitektur

Project period
2007 - 2008



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