Babelsberg Palace Park Restoration of the listed, scenic waters

Schwarzes Meer © 2015 Karsten Standke Standke

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Schwarzes Meer © Standke

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Schwarzes Meer © Fischer-Distaso

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Schwarzes Meer, Bestand 2009 © 2009 Standke

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Schwarzes Meer mit eingezeichnetem Wasserspiegel © Fischer-Distaso

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Wasserfall an der Gotischen Fontäne © Fischer-Distaso

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Staubereich des Wasserfalls an der Gotischen Fontäne © Standke

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Probelauf Wasserfall an der Gotischen Fontäne © 2015 Liefke Standke LA

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Wasserfall an der Gotischen Fontäne nach Fertigstellung vor dem Probelauf © Standke

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Probelauf Wilhelmwasserfall © Fischer-Distaso

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Schieberwehr des Wilhelmwasserfalls © Standke

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Schwarzes Meer © 2015 Karsten Standke Standke

Schwarzes Meer © Standke

Schwarzes Meer © Fischer-Distaso

Schwarzes Meer, Bestand 2009 © 2009 Standke

Schwarzes Meer mit eingezeichnetem Wasserspiegel © Fischer-Distaso

Wasserfall an der Gotischen Fontäne © Fischer-Distaso

Staubereich des Wasserfalls an der Gotischen Fontäne © Standke

Probelauf Wasserfall an der Gotischen Fontäne © 2015 Liefke Standke LA

Wasserfall an der Gotischen Fontäne nach Fertigstellung vor dem Probelauf © Standke

Probelauf Wilhelmwasserfall © Fischer-Distaso

Schieberwehr des Wilhelmwasserfalls © Standke

Babelsberg Palace Park is part of the Potsdam cultural landscape in Berlin. Its history begins in 1833 with the first design by Lenné. In 1843, Prince von Pückler-Muskau took over the continuation and horticultural planning of the park. For the entire park and the extensions acquired later, there is an extensive water system fed by an underground canal system. The task of our office was to reconstruct the water features, some of which had become heavily overgrown and over-marked, and to restore them in accordance with the principles of garden conservation. One focus was on communicating and reaching a consensus on the interests of monument protection and nature conservation, taking into account the latest knowledge on technical implementation. The objects that have already been completed are the Black Sea, the Wilhelm Waterfall and the waterfall at the Gothic Fountain.

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Planning offices

Standke Landscape Architects Ltd.

Project period
2014 - 2017

ca. 20.000 m²

Construction amount
1.040.000 Euro

Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten

Lennéstr. 9
14471 Potsdam

Show project location on map

Project type
Redevelopment of (historic) open spaces
Planning of garden memorial care, park maintenance works
Parks and green spaces