Das Kartenspiel soll vor allem Kindern und Familien den hohen Stellenwert von Natur- und Gewässerschutz vermitteln © 2014 helmut Wartner Wartner & Zeitzler
Small flowing waters are also referred to as 3rd order waters. In Bavaria they extend over a length of 92,000 kilometres. Maintenance, development and expansion are mandatory tasks of the municipalities and cities. Important for the implementation of these tasks is the close cooperation with the water management administration, the lower nature conservation authority, the expert advice for fisheries, the water rights authority and other partners such as agriculture and nature conservation associations.
Smaller water bodies are also important for sustainable flood protection. For example, by retaining water in the area and at the source. They are also the "nursery" of the large streams and rivers in terms of quality and quantity. The municipalities have already done a great deal to ensure that small water bodies are in good condition or to achieve it. The successes of the water protection measures taken to date are already visible on many watercourses. Unfortunately, however, many are still a long way from their original, natural state. Therefore, there is still a lot of need for action. The card game is intended to help promote this concern. The target group is primarily schoolchildren, children and families, who can thus find a playful approach to this important topic of nature and water protection.
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Planning offices
space time
Project period
- 2014
Construction amount
6.500 EUR
Wasserwirtschaftsamt Landshut
Fischereiverband Niederbayern e. V.
Landratsamt Landshut, Untere Naturschutzbehörde
Bund Naturschutz
sowie die Gemeinden Furth, Bayerbach, Ergoldsbach, Geiselhöring, Hohenthann, Laberweinting, Mallersdorf, Neufahrn in Niederbayern, Pfeffenhausen, Rottenburg, Weihmichl