Casino garden Viersen

Wasserspiel © 2014  Landschaftsarchitekten Jägersküpper Fahl

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Zwischen Staudenpflanzungen zum Wasserspiel © 2014  Landschaftsarchitekten Jägersküpper Fahl

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Sommerliches Planschvergnügen © 2014  Landschaftsarchitekten Jägersküpper Fahl

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Wegeführung zwischen Schule und Park © 2014  Landschaftsarchitekten Jägersküpper Fahl

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Neue Wege durch Baumbestand © 2014  Landschaftsarchitekten Jägersküpper Fahl

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Wasserspiel © 2014  Landschaftsarchitekten Jägersküpper Fahl

Zwischen Staudenpflanzungen zum Wasserspiel © 2014  Landschaftsarchitekten Jägersküpper Fahl

Sommerliches Planschvergnügen © 2014  Landschaftsarchitekten Jägersküpper Fahl

Wegeführung zwischen Schule und Park © 2014  Landschaftsarchitekten Jägersküpper Fahl

Neue Wege durch Baumbestand © 2014  Landschaftsarchitekten Jägersküpper Fahl

Redesign of a park area with historical structures and components and a directly adjacent schoolyard area

The casino garden was developed after the 2nd World War on rubble and garden plots in the centre of the city. The beginning was the garden of the destroyed casino with old trees. The extension shown covers 2,000 m² and is the last plot within the building block. The implementation was carried out within the framework of the urban development funding measure 'Socially Integrative City'.

The aim of the planning was to expand the possible uses of the garden, to create a new spatial centre, to open up lines of sight and to reduce areas of anxiety.
The new design takes into account historical and evolved structures such as pathways, tree population and existing functions and seeks to complement or meaningfully expand them. By creating a new spatial center in the form of a water feature, the old and the new are connected with each other, and the park is 'revitalized' through increased recreational qualities.

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Planning offices

LandscapeArchitects Jägersküpper Fahl

Project period



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