Northern Petrikirchhof Soest

Blick Richtung Rathaus und Dom © B.S.L. Landschaftsarchitekten

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Nordfassade © B.S.L. Landschaftsarchitekten

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Blick auf die Petrikirche © B.S.L. Landschaftsarchitekten

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Pflasterdetail © B.S.L. Landschaftsarchitekten

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Blick vom Kirchturm © B.S.L. Landschaftsarchitekten

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Blick Richtung Rathaus und Dom © B.S.L. Landschaftsarchitekten

Nordfassade © B.S.L. Landschaftsarchitekten

Blick auf die Petrikirche © B.S.L. Landschaftsarchitekten

Pflasterdetail © B.S.L. Landschaftsarchitekten

Blick vom Kirchturm © B.S.L. Landschaftsarchitekten

The Soester Petrikirche is also called "Alde Kerke", because it is not only the oldest parish church in Soest but one of the oldest church foundations in Westphalia. The northern Petrikirchhof was 2011vom ruhenden Verkehr freed and could then be redesigned.

After its conversion, the northern Petrikirchhof now looks as if it had actually always been. The open square finally allows St. Peter's Church, which was built on the highest point in the Ottonian city centre, to come to the fore again in an appropriate way.

The actual square design takes a very back seat. Immediately around the church, the green granite small stone paving was laid in rows. This sets it apart from the segmental arches that run towards the church from the outside, and creates its own "aura" around the building. A light-coloured band of paving surrounds the churchyard as a boundary to the outside and creates a "threshold" that lifts the churchyard as a whole out of its "secular" surroundings.

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Planning offices

B.S.L. Landschaftsarchitekten

Project period
2012 - 2012

Stadt Soest / Petri-Pauli-Gemeinde



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