Duck brook and duck pond Bingen on the Rhine

Renaturierung Ententeich © 2016 gutschker-dongus

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Neuer Stadtpark mit altem Baumbestand © 2016 gutschker-dongus

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Entenbach mit standortgerechter Ufervegetation © 2016 gutschker-dongus

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Bachlauf mit schlängelnde Linienführung © 2016 gutschker-dongus

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Hohe Aufenthaltsqualität am Ententeich © 2016 gutschker-dongus

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Renaturierung Ententeich © 2016 gutschker-dongus

Neuer Stadtpark mit altem Baumbestand © 2016 gutschker-dongus

Entenbach mit standortgerechter Ufervegetation © 2016 gutschker-dongus

Bachlauf mit schlängelnde Linienführung © 2016 gutschker-dongus

Hohe Aufenthaltsqualität am Ententeich © 2016 gutschker-dongus

As part of the planned redesign of the "Entenbach" green corridor in Bingen-Büdesheim, the duck pond and its surroundings were redesigned by Enviro-Plan.

Previously, the Entenbach stream ran in a straight line with a deepened, trapezoidal streambed. The embankments along the narrow stream channel were mostly paved and very steep. The banks of the duck pond were also not flattened and were completely fenced off, making access to the water impossible. The duck pond, like the stream, was laid out in a concrete bowl and was very unnatural.

The planning focused on ecological enhancement and natural redesign to create biotopes and recreational areas. The focus was on renaturalizing the watercourse and making it a tangible experience. The surrounding area was included in the planning and also upgraded to increase the overall quality of the area. A dull green strip along the Entenbach was transformed into a small but attractive city park that invites people to linger.

The concrete shells were removed and the course of the stream was given a slightly meandering line. The inflow and elevation situation was taken into account in order to divert as much water as possible into the newly constructed Entenbach. The hydraulic soil situation was maintained to prevent damage to neighboring buildings. The duck pond was not only completely renewed for visual reasons, but was also made more functional. A drainage shaft was installed for cleaning purposes and the self-cleaning capacity of the pond was increased. Retention areas were created in the event of heavy rainfall and site-appropriate riparian vegetation was established. The access situation to the shallow water area was improved in order to allow the public to experience the element of water. For safety reasons, the deep area of the duck pond was separated by a fence. As this stream was the main source of water in the Middle Ages, the historical situation of the "washing place and bleaching ground" was incorporated into the design. The old trees of the green corridor were preserved and additional deciduous trees were planted to provide privacy and shade. Various seating areas (boulders, benches and seating walls) round off the overall concept and increase the quality of stay.

The new city park was very well received by both the population and the ducks.

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Planning offices

Odernheim am Glan

Project period

Stadt Bingen am Rhein

Project type
Watercourse development, flood protection
Parks and green spaces