Kindergarten Cocolores play slope New play space quality through repair of the erosion slope

Der Erosionshang vor der Umgestaltung © 2020 S.Böttcher-Steeb FREIRÄUME FREIRÄUME Planungsbüro

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Materialvielfalt und Anregungen am neuen Spielhang © 2021 S.Böttcher-Steeb FREIRÄUME FREIRÄUME Planungsbüro

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Der Erosionshang vor der Umgestaltung © 2020 S.Böttcher-Steeb FREIRÄUME FREIRÄUME Planungsbüro

Materialvielfalt und Anregungen am neuen Spielhang © 2021 S.Böttcher-Steeb FREIRÄUME FREIRÄUME Planungsbüro

At the Cocolores Ecological Children's House in Dresden, huge puddles made the grounds unplayable when it rained, and a former lawn slope eroded year after year into the sewage system and towards the house.
We combined the repair of the site drainage with a small-scale redesign: varied paving offers stimulation for the little ones, natural stone elements encourage jumping and climbing, slope steps and small walls protect plants and now prevent erosion. At the popular play area under the tree of the gods, we designed a new play level under trees made of durable robinia wood, thus protecting the root zone of the trees.

As small-scale as the measure was, it exemplifies the great opportunity that the maintenance and repair of intensively used play facilities at kindergartens and schools can upgrade the outdoor space and supplement it with new play offerings.

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Planning offices


Freie Mitarbeiterin Dipl.-Ing. Yvonne Kleine

Other planning stakeholders
Ingenieurbüro Stefan Hamann, Nünchritz
Kluge Clean GmbH Garten- und Landschaftsbau
Holzgestalten David Weise

Project period
09-2020 - 10-2021


Construction amount

Landeshauptstadt Dresden, Eigenbetrieb Kindertageseinrichtungen (EB Kita), vertreten durch STESAD GmbH Dresden


01099 Dresden

Project type
Playgrounds, e.g. at childcare centers and schools