Bürgerpark Verden Citizens participate in the development of a use and design concept

Rondell (ehemaliges Blütenrondell) © 2011 Schoelkopf

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Hainbuchen im Bereich der ehemaligen Kleingärten © 2011 Schoelkopf

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Vorentwurf zum Nutzungs- und Gestaltungskonzept © Villena

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Gehölzbestand © Stefan Villena

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Historische Allee © Stefan Villena

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Baumbestandene Wiesen © Stefan Villena

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Rondell (ehemaliges Blütenrondell) © 2011 Schoelkopf

Hainbuchen im Bereich der ehemaligen Kleingärten © 2011 Schoelkopf

Vorentwurf zum Nutzungs- und Gestaltungskonzept © Villena

Gehölzbestand © Stefan Villena

Historische Allee © Stefan Villena

Baumbestandene Wiesen © Stefan Villena

The Bürgerpark Verden looks back on a history of over 100 years. However, many citizens were no longer aware of it and a gradual loss of quality had left clear traces in the park and the first signs of avoidance behaviour among the population. Therefore, a concept for the use and design of the Bürgerpark Verden was developed together with interested citizens. New uses and opportunities for leisure and sport are to make the Bürgerpark attractive again for all citizens without changing the character of the park. The new leisure facilities should also improve the quality of life in the neighbouring districts.

The use and design concept was developed with the participation of interested citizens within the framework of moderated working forums and adopted by the City Council.

The use and design concept forms a framework plan for the upgrading of the Bürgerpark. This framework plan enables a gradual and controlled development in accordance with the developed priorities in order to ensure a high level of acceptance and appreciation by the citizens and a sustainable use of the Bürgerpark.

For the planning and implementation of individual sub-projects or construction phases, basic guiding principles and requirements were named and initial design specifications were given in the sense of a preliminary draft. In addition, the use and design concept shows approaches and recommended measures for the continuation of civic engagement, which could be activated in the context of the working forums.

The development of the concept was accompanied by publicity in print and online media, and intensive information was disseminated via the local and regional press.

The participation process is presented in more detail in the Zeitblende.

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Planning offices

freiraumforum schoelkopf

Villena-Kirschner, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Stefan

Further planners involved
Amtshof Eicklingen Planungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG

Project period
05/2011 - 03/2012

Stadt Verden (Aller)
Große Straße 40
27283 Verden

Am Bürgerpark
27283 Verden (Aller)

Show project location on map

Project type
Parks and green spaces
Playgrounds, e.g. at childcare centers and schools
Public participation / moderation