Six-lane expansion of the A7 Environmental impact study / FFH impact assessment / species protection contribution / faunistic expertise

Blick auf die vierspurige A7 © 2012 Christoph Kirch

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Grünstreifen neben Autobahn © 2012 Christoph Kirch

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Blühende Wiesen © 2012 Christoph Kirch

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Gewässer in Autobahnnähe © 2012 Christoph Kirch

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Blühende "Seitenstreifen" © 2012 Christoph Kirch

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Bachlauf neben der Autobahn © 2012 Christoph Kirch

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Blick auf die vierspurige A7 © 2012 Christoph Kirch

Grünstreifen neben Autobahn © 2012 Christoph Kirch

Blühende Wiesen © 2012 Christoph Kirch

Gewässer in Autobahnnähe © 2012 Christoph Kirch

Blühende "Seitenstreifen" © 2012 Christoph Kirch

Bachlauf neben der Autobahn © 2012 Christoph Kirch

The 4-lane section 2 of the A 7 between Dorfmark and the Fallingbostel junction is to be widened to 6 lanes. In the environmental impact study (EIS), a comprehensive, project-related analysis of the objects of protection according to § 2 (1) UVPG including their interactions as well as a variant analysis is carried out. Faunistic studies were carried out for the species groups birds, bats, amphibians, dragonflies and reptiles.
An FFH impact assessment (FFH-VP) was carried out for the FFH area No. 77 "Böhme" (DE 2924-301), which borders on the west side of the A7. The species protection contribution (ASB) comprises the examination of the occurrence of prohibited acts according to § 44 (1) BNatSchG for the species groups birds, bats, otters and green river damsel.
The significant impairments caused by the project can be compensated on site. An essential component of the compensation concepts is the improvement of the ecological passability of flowing waters through the widening of existing structures.

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