Dittloff Paschburg Landscape Architects

© H. Paschburg Dittloff+Paschburg Landschaftsarchitekten

Dittloff + Paschburg Landschaftsarchitekten GbR

Rainer Dittloff | Holger Paschburg

Bahrenfelder Straße 201 B
22765 Hamburg Ottensen

Contact information

Tel. (040)  399288 0
Fax (040)  399288 28


Since 1964, our office has been managing projects primarily in Hamburg, Bremen and northern Germany. Founded by KARL GEORG LINDENLAUB and managed as the LINDENLAUB DITTLOFF partnership from 1986 to 2004, we have been working on challenging projects for private and public clients as the DITTLOFF PASCHBURG partnership since the beginning of 2005, focusing on:

Parks and historical sites | urban spaces and squares | healthcare facilities |

Schools | Housing | Commercial and service facilities |

Sports and leisure facilities | Competitions and expert opinions | Landscape planning


Rainer Dittloff | Landschaftsarchitekt, Dipl.-Ing.
Holger Paschburg | Landschaftsarchitekt (bdla), Dipl.-Ing.

Viola Bornscheuer | M.Sc. Landschaftsarchitektur
Birgit Charles | Dipl.-Ing. Landschaftsarchitektur
Geer Grigoleit | Landschaftsarchitekt, Dipl.-Ing.
Gitte Paschburg | Dipl.-Ing. Innenarchitektur
Anja Peiffer | Landschaftsarchitektin, Dipl.-Ing.