Horeis Blatt Partnerschaft mbB Garden and Landscape Architects BDLA

©  Horeis+Blatt

Horeis + Blatt Partnerschaft mbB Garten- und Landschaftsarchitekten BDLA

Michael Horeis, Niels Blatt

Sonneberger Straße 13
28329 Bremen

Contact information

Tel. (0421)  4 30 84 90
Fax (0421)  43 08 49 22


Horeis Blatt plans individual outdoor spaces and manages their realization.

Based in Bremen and Verden, the office around Michael Horeis and Niels Blatt designs private and public gardens, parks, squares and sports and games landscapes throughout Germany.

The creative handling of spatial dimensions and the "building material" plant, our intensive cooperation with clients and partners, combined with cost awareness, are our headlines for each project.