TOPOS Urban planning - Landscape planning - Urban research

© 2015 Topos

TOPOS Stadtplanung Landschaftsplanung Stadtforschung GbR

Stephan Buddatsch - Uwe Eichhorn

Badensche Straße 29
10715 Berlin

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Contact information

Tel. (030)  8649040
Fax (030)  86490413

TOPOS the office.
Since 1984, we have been active throughout Germany as an independent planning office and research institute in the fields of urban planning, landscape planning and urban research. The committed and goal-oriented cooperation of our interdisciplinary team ist characteristic for our work. We work with expertise and creativity on a wide range of tasks, such as planning, regulation and research.

TOPOS the place.
We look at places, requirements and tasks from perspectives of urban planning, landscape planning and urban research. We are committed to shape the interplay of our specialist disciplines in a way that the nature and the quality of places can be experienced by users.

TOPOS the theme.
We accompany spatial development processes considering elements of design as well as social, ecological and economic aspects. Our strengths are versatile project experiences and interdisciplinary, creative cooperation, which achieves high-quality results especially in extensive planning contexts.


Denise Baudoin, Dipl.-Ing. Architektur
Bettina Bergande, freie Landschaftsarchitektin und Gartendenkmalpflegerin
Marcus Bienert, M.Eng. Landschaftsarchitektur
Natalie Castro Gonzalez, Dipl.-Ing. Stadt- und Regionalplanung
Stuti Chaudhary, M.Eng. Landschaftsarchitektur, B. Architektur
Stefan Dahlitz, B.Sc. Stadt-und Regionalplanung
Gunnar Deylitz, M.Sc. Regionalentwicklung und Naturschutz
Karin Ganssauge, Dipl.-Ing. Stadtplanerin, Dipl.-Ing. Architektin
Josefine Gottschalk, B.A. Politikwissenschaften und Soziologie
Sigmar Gude, Dipl.-Soziologe, Senior Berater
Ashod Haleblian, B.Sc. Architektur und Design
Andreas Köppen, Dipl.-Ing. Landschaftsplanung
Susanne Krückel, Dipl.-Ing. Architektur, Dipl.-Wirtschaftsingenieurin (FH)
Marleen Lamnek, B.Sc. Urbanistik
Dagmar Lindner, Dipl.-Ök. Buchführung, Sekretariat
Annette Mähler, Dipl.-Ing. Landschaftsplanung
Florian Matern, B.A. Geograph
Karla Maria Pérez Gómez, M.A. Landschaftsarchitektur
Gerd Strütt, Dipl.-Ing., Landschaftsarchitekt
Martin Villegas, Dipl.-Ing. Architektur, M.Sc. Urban Design
Mario Vogl, M.Sc. Stadt-und Regionalentwicklung
Dörthe Wegner, Dipl.-Ing. Landschaftsarchitektur und Umweltplanung (FH)
Anne Wex, Dipl.-Ing. Landschaftsarchitektin

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