The "Other World" at the Saalfeld Lake Grottoes Open space design fairy world at the Saalfeld fairy grottoes

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The above-ground "Fairy World" has added a contemporary attraction to the tradition-rich, listed fairy grottos. The overall project is the staging of a "different world" in the existing forest at the foot of the Saalfeld garden knolls, where the world of fairies is suggested through targeted landscape architectural design (pathways and use of plants) as well as by means of wooden fixtures and sound installations.

After passing through the fairy gate, the visitor follows the "trail of stones" in the maze, via which he reaches the garden of magical fairy plants (fairy garden), the grove of light elves (light garden), the realm of forest spirits (dark garden) and finally the fairy summit castle with fantasy fountain and magic slide. In the different gardens the visitor finds play elements for the development of the senses and for the sharpening of the perception.

holzbildkünstlerischer installations: Einsiedel Island of Culture, Jürgen Bergmann, Neißeaue-Zentendorf.

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Planning offices


Heike Roos, Karina Bickel, Nadine Heger

Project period
2007 - 2007

ca. 1,1 ha

Construction amount
ca. 188.000 € (brutto)

Stadtverwaltung Saalfeld und
Saalfelder Feengrotten &Tourismus GmbH

Feengrottenweg 2
07318 Saalfeld

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Project type
Playgrounds, e.g. at childcare centers and schools
Tourism development and recreation planning