Two plateaus


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Die gestuften Gartenebenen © Jürgen Becker

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Blick zurück zum Garteneingang © Manuel Sauer

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Gartenblick aus dem Wohnraum © Manuel Sauer

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Galerie aus Glastelen © Jürgen Becker

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Zentraler Gartenblick © Jürgen Becker jü

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VORHER: Blick von der vorhandenen Terrasse aus © Manuel Sauer

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VORHER: Blick zum künftigen Garteneingang © Manuel Sauer

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Die gestuften Gartenebenen © Jürgen Becker

Blick zurück zum Garteneingang © Manuel Sauer

Gartenblick aus dem Wohnraum © Manuel Sauer

Galerie aus Glastelen © Jürgen Becker

Zentraler Gartenblick © Jürgen Becker jü

VORHER: Blick von der vorhandenen Terrasse aus © Manuel Sauer

VORHER: Blick zum künftigen Garteneingang © Manuel Sauer

Garden space protected from view with characterful terrain topography

The seventeen-metre-deep garden plot is divided into two levels to accommodate a roughly fifty-centimetre difference in height from the rising original terrain. In order to overcome the height difference, the staircase runs generously across the entire width of the plot, creating a close connection between the two garden levels. A circumferential wooden battening establishes the uniform spatial frame. A gallery of red glass columns marks the access to the side of the garden, which leads past an existing water basin. The glass row replaces the axis of screening trees that could not be continued in the narrow entrance situation. On the centre line of the horizontal grass carpet, another glass stele forms the aiming point of the central garden axis and underlines the overall depth of the space. At the garden transition, a row of treads leads onto the chipped surface of the front garden level. The seating area fulfils the desire for an additional sunny lounge area close to the shady house terrace. The stone pavement is bordered towards the terrace by a large shrub bed at the pool. This is dominated by the filigree magnificent candle (Gaura Lindheimeri).

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Planning offices

Terramanus Landscape Architecture

Project period
2013 - 2014

300 qm


