Brentanohaus | Brentanoscheune Oestrich-Winkel Design concept for the Brentano Park and the open spaces of the Brentano Barn

Brentanohaus - Außengastronomie © 2020 Andreas Koppelmann

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Brentanohaus - Laubengang © 2020 Andreas Koppelmann

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Brentanohaus - Badehaus © 2020 Andreas Koppelmann

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Brentanohaus - Weinberg © 2020 Andreas Koppelmann

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Brentanoscheune - Straßenansicht © 2020 Andreas Koppelmann

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Brentanoscheune - Eingangsbereich © 2020 Andreas Koppelmann

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Brentanoscheune - Verwilderte Freifläche © 2020 Andreas Koppelmann

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Brentanoscheune - Veranstaltungsfläche © 2020 Andreas Koppelmann

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Brentanohaus - Außengastronomie © 2020 Andreas Koppelmann

Brentanohaus - Laubengang © 2020 Andreas Koppelmann

Brentanohaus - Badehaus © 2020 Andreas Koppelmann

Brentanohaus - Weinberg © 2020 Andreas Koppelmann

Brentanoscheune - Straßenansicht © 2020 Andreas Koppelmann

Brentanoscheune - Eingangsbereich © 2020 Andreas Koppelmann

Brentanoscheune - Verwilderte Freifläche © 2020 Andreas Koppelmann

Brentanoscheune - Veranstaltungsfläche © 2020 Andreas Koppelmann

In the course of the successive renovation of the Brentano House and the associated outbuildings, it is also planned to upgrade the Brentano Park to the south and the open spaces of the Brentano Barn.
While the renovated Brentano Barn is already being used as an event venue, the renovation of the Brentano House is intended to highlight the significance of the site for literary and contemporary history and as a location within the Romantic Route.

In addition to the work on the buildings, the associated open spaces are also to be upgraded from a heritage perspective and integrated into the overall concept. For this reason, the city of Oestrich-Winkel has commissioned the creation of a design concept that also pursues the goal of intensifying the connection between the Brentanohaus and the Brentanoscheune as well as between the two associated open spaces.

On the basis of the results of the investigation into the historical development and the analysis of the existing situation, a design concept for the preservation and development was developed for the open spaces that takes into account the current and future planned uses.

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Planning offices

Andreas Koppelmann Landschaftsarchitekt BDLA

Project period
2020 - 2020

ca. 1,75 ha

Magistrat der Stadt Oestrich-Winkel
FB 6 – Bauen | Stadtplanung
Paul-Gerhardt-Weg 1
65375 Oestrich-Winkel

Am Lindenplatz 2
65375 Oestrich-Winkel

Show project location on map

Project type
Redevelopment of (historic) open spaces
Planning of garden memorial care, park maintenance works
Parks and green spaces