Climate-adapted new plant use

Parkplatz Stiftung kreuznacher diakonie Bad Kreuznach, Pflanzung im Jahreszeitenverlauf © 2020 SCHMITZ+WÜNSCH

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Parkplatz Stiftung kreuznacher diakonie Bad Kreuznach, Pflanzung im Jahreszeitenverlauf Ende März © SCHMITZ+WÜNSCH

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Parkplatz Stiftung kreuznacher diakonie Bad Kreuznach, Pflanzung im Jahreszeitenverlauf Ende Mai © 2020 SCHMITZ+WÜNSCH

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Parkplatz Stiftung kreuznacher diakonie Bad Kreuznach, Pflanzung im Jahreszeitenverlauf Ende Juni © 2020 SCHMITZ+WÜNSCH

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Parkplatz Stiftung kreuznacher diakonie Bad Kreuznach, Pflanzung im Jahreszeitenverlauf Mitte Juli © 2020 SCHMITZ+WÜNSCH

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Parkplatz Stiftung kreuznacher diakonie Bad Kreuznach, Detailaufnahme © 2020 SCHMITZ+WÜNSCH

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Parkplatz Stiftung kreuznacher diakonie Bad Kreuznach, Pflanzung im Jahreszeitenverlauf Ende Oktober © 2020 SCHMITZ+WÜNSCH

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Parkplatz Stiftung kreuznacher diakonie Bad Kreuznach, Detailaufnahme © 2020 SCHMITZ+WÜNSCH

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Parkplatz Stiftung kreuznacher diakonie Bad Kreuznach, Detailaufnahme © 2020 SCHMITZ+WÜNSCH

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Parkplatz Stiftung kreuznacher diakonie Bad Kreuznach, Pflanzung im Jahreszeitenverlauf Winteraspekt © 2020 SCHMITZ+WÜNSCH

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Kreisel Alzey © 2020 SCHMITZ+WÜNSCH

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Kreisel Alzey © 2020 SCHMITZ+WÜNSCH

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Kreisel Alzey © 2020 SCHMITZ+WÜNSCH

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Kreisel Alzey © 2020 SCHMITZ+WÜNSCH

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Parkplatz Stiftung kreuznacher diakonie Bad Kreuznach, Pflanzung im Jahreszeitenverlauf © 2020 SCHMITZ+WÜNSCH

Parkplatz Stiftung kreuznacher diakonie Bad Kreuznach, Pflanzung im Jahreszeitenverlauf Ende März © SCHMITZ+WÜNSCH

Parkplatz Stiftung kreuznacher diakonie Bad Kreuznach, Pflanzung im Jahreszeitenverlauf Ende Mai © 2020 SCHMITZ+WÜNSCH

Parkplatz Stiftung kreuznacher diakonie Bad Kreuznach, Pflanzung im Jahreszeitenverlauf Ende Juni © 2020 SCHMITZ+WÜNSCH

Parkplatz Stiftung kreuznacher diakonie Bad Kreuznach, Pflanzung im Jahreszeitenverlauf Mitte Juli © 2020 SCHMITZ+WÜNSCH

Parkplatz Stiftung kreuznacher diakonie Bad Kreuznach, Detailaufnahme © 2020 SCHMITZ+WÜNSCH

Parkplatz Stiftung kreuznacher diakonie Bad Kreuznach, Pflanzung im Jahreszeitenverlauf Ende Oktober © 2020 SCHMITZ+WÜNSCH

Parkplatz Stiftung kreuznacher diakonie Bad Kreuznach, Detailaufnahme © 2020 SCHMITZ+WÜNSCH

Parkplatz Stiftung kreuznacher diakonie Bad Kreuznach, Detailaufnahme © 2020 SCHMITZ+WÜNSCH

Parkplatz Stiftung kreuznacher diakonie Bad Kreuznach, Pflanzung im Jahreszeitenverlauf Winteraspekt © 2020 SCHMITZ+WÜNSCH

Kreisel Alzey © 2020 SCHMITZ+WÜNSCH

Kreisel Alzey © 2020 SCHMITZ+WÜNSCH

Kreisel Alzey © 2020 SCHMITZ+WÜNSCH

Kreisel Alzey © 2020 SCHMITZ+WÜNSCH

Varied plantings are an asset to our designed open spaces. With the knowledge of plant breeders such as Karl Foerster and the observation of
vegetation elements of the natural areas around us, there is an inexhaustible reservoir here.
Saving pressures of recent years, sterile fashionable plants and dwindling plant knowledge have in many cases caused these important components of our gardens and parks to disappear.
Restoring these plantings - an enriching combination of design for people with ecological impact, biodiversity, food source,
small climate enhancement and more - can be a positive development in times of climate change.
The goal is an aesthetically pleasing planting with as
low maintenance as possible and a manageable cost.
Botanical tools, experience in the field of extensive green roofs, combined with impressions from walks in the nature of the planning region result
plant combinations with varied perennials, grasses and bulbous plants that can be established to site conditions in the urban context.

The vegetation areas for perennials and grasses and the tree quarters will be covered with premixed FLL-certified vegetation substrates. These substrates have
compared to topsoil the advantage of permanent structural stability due to balanced grading curve for air and water retention, purpose-defined pre-fertilization and are without undesirable weed infestation. In the market, prices have leveled off comparable to topsoil in terms of cost, due to better conditions for delivery, installation, planting and maintenance.
Stability, durability and maintenance of planting are significantly improved by a mulch layer. Moisture remains longer in the soil, the possible competition by germinating weed seeds and care requirement for their removal are reduced.
For mulching, split in the grain size 8/16mm, without zero content, has proven itself.
Stone selection from a quarry in the region fits design in color and balance of the short transport distances. Design complementary individual larger boulders or pebbles are added.

The vegetation is composed of robust perennials and grasses of the sunny habitats of steppe heath, rock steppe, dry grassland, which require lean, air-permeable substrate and little water.
For lively and lasting structures, individual scaffolders / lead plants, with companion and group plants and low ground-covering plants are to be combined and placed in the seasonal sequence of the flowering calendar. The grasses add their special structural element in autumn/winter. Bulbous plants are the indispensable, grateful addition to the design effect and first pollen donors in the outgoing winter and spring, when the music of the perennials is not yet playing.
The stability of the planting is increased by self-seeding of isolated perennial species and overgrown bulbous plants. Dynamism and change over the years is consistent with the biology of these plants, and is desired and exciting.

By providing good ground cover for the perennials and split mulching, the emergence of weeds is minimized. After the first three years of expert observation with
targeted removal of individual emerging weeds, the goal is to take down and clear the vegetation area with a brush cutter only once a year at the end of winter.

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Planning offices

Bad Kreuznach

Project period
2019 - 2020

Stiftung kreuznacher diakonie, 55543 Bad Kreuznach
Stadtverwaltung Alzey, Ernst-Ludwig-Straße 42, 55232 Alzey

Project type
Open spaces for business and public facilities
Traffic facilities
Concepts for climate adaptation and climate protection