Kleine Wallanlagen | Sievekingplatz Planten un Blomen

Blick von der Wassertreppe © 2005 H. Paschburg Dittloff+Paschburg Landschaftsarchitekten

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Terrassen am Wasser © 2005 H. Paschburg Dittloff+Paschburg Landschaftsarchitekten

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Liegewiese © 2005 H. Paschburg Dittloff+Paschburg Landschaftsarchitekten

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Lageplan Sievekingplatz und Kleine Wallanlagen © 2004 Dittloff + Paschburg Landschaftsarchitekten Dittloff+Paschburg Landschaftsarchitekten

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Wasserspiegel © 2004 H. Paschburg Dittloff+Paschburg Landschaftsarchitekten

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Wasserband © 2005 H. Paschburg Dittloff+Paschburg Landschaftsarchitekten

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Eingangssituation vom Alten Botanischen Garten aus © 2005 H. Paschburg Dittloff+Paschburg Landschaftsarchitekten

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Blick von der Wassertreppe © 2005 H. Paschburg Dittloff+Paschburg Landschaftsarchitekten

Terrassen am Wasser © 2005 H. Paschburg Dittloff+Paschburg Landschaftsarchitekten

Liegewiese © 2005 H. Paschburg Dittloff+Paschburg Landschaftsarchitekten

Lageplan Sievekingplatz und Kleine Wallanlagen © 2004 Dittloff + Paschburg Landschaftsarchitekten Dittloff+Paschburg Landschaftsarchitekten

Wasserspiegel © 2004 H. Paschburg Dittloff+Paschburg Landschaftsarchitekten

Wasserband © 2005 H. Paschburg Dittloff+Paschburg Landschaftsarchitekten

Eingangssituation vom Alten Botanischen Garten aus © 2005 H. Paschburg Dittloff+Paschburg Landschaftsarchitekten

At the beginning of the 19th century, the city fortifications of earlier centuries were dismantled. The now available areas were transformed into spacious green spaces, from which the popular Hamburg park Planten un Blomen emerged.

The park, surrounded by large streets and representative administrative buildings from the 19th and early 20th centuries, is located on the northwestern edge of Hamburg's inner city. The park, which is surrounded by large streets and representative administrative buildings from the 19th and early 20th centuries, is located on the north-western edge of Hamburg's city centre and is today mainly characterised by the garden shows of the post-war period (1953, 63 and 73).

The typical landscape architecture of the time is particularly evident in the Kleine Wallanalagen: in addition to a variety of water features, natural stone walls and terraces alternating with generous watercourses dominate the image of the park. In some areas, it has been possible to preserve and restore former national gardens (e.g. the Moroccan Garden).

Our office set itself the goal of preserving the formal characteristics of the IGA 63 through deconstruction and redesign measures, and of restoring and elaborating important elements of the design at that time.

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Planning offices

Dittloff Paschburg Landscape Architects
Hamburg Ottensen

Landschaftsarchitekt Karl Georg Lindenlaub | Dipl.-Ing.
Landschaftsarchitekt Holger Paschburg | Dipl.Ing.

Project period
1997 - 2009

48 ha

Bezirksamt Hamburg-Mitte
Fachamt Management des Öffentlichen Raumes

Sievekingplatz, Gorch-Fock-Wall, Jungiusstraße
20355 Hamburg

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Project type
Parks and green spaces
Redevelopment of (historic) open spaces