Market Kösching Cemetery extension

© Florian Schreiber

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Strahlenförmig angelegte Wege aus Granitpflaster © Florian Schreiber

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Bruchsteinmauer aus Dolomit mit einer Rollschicht aus Klinker © Florian Schreiber

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© Florian Schreiber

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© Florian Schreiber

Strahlenförmig angelegte Wege aus Granitpflaster © Florian Schreiber

Bruchsteinmauer aus Dolomit mit einer Rollschicht aus Klinker © Florian Schreiber

© Florian Schreiber

The cemetery of the municipality, which had already been enlarged once in the 1980s, was to be extended to the north.
The initial situation presented us with two tasks: on the one hand, the new planning had to react to two existing different basic structures with regard to routing, planting, fencing, etc., and on the other hand, the ground conditions were very unfavorable for a cemetery due to the high groundwater. The aim of our planning approach was to bring the two successively created sub-areas and the new extension area into an overall design context.
Thus, while simplifying the path system created in the second construction phase, the two original main axes are taken up and led to the north as new development paths in a slightly curved form. Subordinate cross connections divide the new grave fields from double, family and urn graves. All paths are uniformly laid with granite cobblestones.
The form of the enclosure is differentiated: on the west side along the existing buildings, the existing motif of the quarry stone wall is continued in the form of layered masonry made of dolomite; the new end in the north is formed by a trimmed hedge of hornbeam. In addition, the edges are strengthened by loosely distributed deciduous trees accompanying the wall and the hedge. Within the cemetery the grave fields are likewise separated by somewhat lower hornbeam hedges, beside it are interspersed sporadically deciduous shrubs.
For the improvement of the soil drainage lines are inserted at regular intervals in 3 m depth. This deep drainage removes excess water from the soil and collects it for discharge into a receiving watercourse.

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Planning offices

Wolfgang Weinzierl Landscape Architects GmbH

Anita Fesseler, Franziska Steinberger

Markt Kösching

85092 Kösching