Matthias Staubach, Tancredi Capatti
Mariannenplatz 23
10997 Berlin
(0 30) 44 00 97 24
Fax ()
(0 30) 44 00 97 25
As a planning company for landscape architecture, we work on interdisciplinary complex tasks and overall solutions in the field of outdoor facilities. Under the aspect of the integration of a broadly diversified know-how for a comprehensive project completion we can develop the suitable form of creative expression with technically and functionally mature solutions in the office-internal merging of landscape architecture and engineering. Our guiding principle is to achieve a balance between the technical and functional requirements of our time and the atmospheric,
poetic design demands. Scientific and creative cross-sectional orientation, integrated into a modern organisational concept, generates the four pillars of our mission statement:
Research | Service | Spatial Competence | Efficiency